Monday, May 14, 2012

Reverend Robert M. Yancey, pastor of Saint Paul Baptist Church in Arlington, VA is the preacher for Warner Baptist Church's Annual Revivial Services (Monday May 14 - Friday May 18, 2012 )

Reverend Robert M. Yancey is the guest revivalist preacher for Warner Baptist Church's Annual Revival Services this week (Monday May 14 - Friday May 18, 2012). Devotion service is scheduled to start nightly at 7:00 p.m.

Rev. Yancey is the pastor of St. Paul Baptist Church in Arlington, Virginia.

MONDAY, May 14 -The message he delivered tonight was uplifting and spirit-filled. His scripture was from Philippians Chapter 1, with emphasis on verses 1- 12. Although, I encourage you to read the whole chapter.

The music  was provided by The Voices, a musical choir from Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in Alexandria, VA. They rendered a beautiful assortment of soul uplifting gospel songs.

I am looking forward to the next time.
TUESDAY, May 15 - Revival continued.  Rev Yancey's scripture tonight was from Genesis, Chapter 22.  The emphasis of his message was about faith. He challenged the congregation to look at their faith and determined if they are  satisfied.

Warner Baptist's mass choir provided the music.

WEDNESDAY, May 16 - The Revivalist scripture was from Galatians, Chapter 1; Genesis, Chapter 1 and 2 and John, Chapter 9.  Emphasis, in part, was on trusting in God. Rev Yancey put forth the question, "How do you live victoriously in this world?"  He gave an answer.

Oakland Baptist Church mass choir provided the music. Their selection of songs was well suited for the revival.  Oakland Baptist is located on King Street in Alexandria, VA

Warner Baptist is located on Lacey Blvd in Baileys Crossroads area of Falls Church, VA


THURSDAY, MAY 17- The Revivalist scripture was Psalm 51: 8-12.  His topic was "Strength and Joy" The emphasis was on finding joy regardless of the situation.

The revivalist mother, Sister Rebeca Yancey sang, "I've Got Joy".  Her singing brought, virtually the whole congregation to their feet. Believe me, the lady can sing.

Warner Baptist Mass Choir provided the music.

FRIDAY, MAY 18 - Rev Yancey chose Isiah 41-8 for scripture and his text was Jesus is a friend of mine. 

St Paul Baptist choir provided the music. They sung some very good ole hymns. Selections included "I'm going to work til my work is done" and "I got Jesus on the main line."

Revivalist emphasis was on friendship. The main friend should be Jesus. If you trust him he will provide for our every need.

We had a wonderful time this week. The preacher delivered.


Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this website are strictly those of Grady Bryant,accumulated from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements and services that was open to the general public. This is not an official endorsed Warner Baptist Church website.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mrs. Rose Mae Smith, passed away in her home on January 23, 2012

Rose Mae Smith, wife of the late Herman Lee Smith, mother of  Patsy Harris, James M. Smith (Jacqueline),  Joan Evans, and Blanche Smith, passed away on Monday, January 23, 2012 in her home at Bailey's Crossroads, VA. Mrs. Smith was a long time member of Warner Baptist Church and the Bailey's Crossroads community.

Her funeral services will be at Warner Baptist Church, 3613 Lacy Blvd, Falls Church, VA on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 at 11 a. m. Friends may offer condolence to the family from 10 a.m. until time of the service.

The obituary was published in the Washington Post on Sunday, January 29, 2012.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on the site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,accumulated from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements and services that was open to the general public. This is not an official endorsed Warner Baptist Church website.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Worship Day and Bible Study Services for Month of January 2012 posted thru January 24th

Sunday School is scheduled every Sunday at 9:30 a. m.

Jan 1st - 11 a.m. Service

Jan 8th - 11 a.m. Service    Installation of Officers after sermon

Jan 15th - 11 a.m. Service
                  3 p.m. - Family Day Services

Jan 16th -   5 p m - Martin L. King Day Service

Jan 22nd -  11 a.m.- Service - Holy Communion

 Jan 24th        7 p.m. - Bible Study Class, Book of Judges, Chapter 3 -4


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Church service and activities through December 31, 2011

                                                                                                           December 11, 2011

Warner Baptist Services and Activities through December 31, 2011

Brief description of a.m. service on 12/11/2011

The Youth Choir rendered some beautiful songs.

A Bible Stories book was presented to Antwan and Kaylan Williams by Yvonne Jackson on behalf of  the Bible Study Class. The recipients will receive a special gift after they read 25 stories and prepare a short report (paragraph) on five of the stories.

We are looking forward to the report.

Pastor Pearson delivered the message. Scripture: II John.  Text:" It's the Doctrine of Jesus We Abide In." Emphasis was put on encouraging followers of Christ to follow the doctrine and don't get caught up on all the hype in the world about what Christianity is suppose to be.

After a.m. service,  a 2011 New Members Fellowship Service, led by Carolyn Curseen, was held in the lower auditorium.

Food was served by the Culinary Ministry.
Schedule, in part, for Month

Tuesday, December 13.  Bible Study Class at 7 p.m.  Special Presentation on Inheritance by Uriana Bradby.                                                  

Sunday, December 18 - 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School's presentation of Christmas program.
                                      11 a.m.  -    Worship Service

Sunday, December 25- 11 a. m. Worship Service  and Holy Communion (Christmas Day) 

Saturday December 31.  9:00 p.m. til midnight  -  Watch Meeting   

Express News

Kaylin Williams -  Honor Roll, All A's on Report Card

Antwan Williams - Honor Roll

Jermeny Turner - Expressed some of his expeiences as a freshman at Virginia State University.

Neal Turner - Honor Roll grades at Glasgow Middle School

Jazsmin Bryant - Honor Roll at Grace Brethren HS. Also, named 2nd Team All-County Soccer Team. (PG County in Maryland)

Shannon Bryant - Freshman, Outstanding grades at N. C. A&T University this semester. She is majoring in accounting.                      

Disclaimer:  The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of  Grady E. Bryant, Sr. accumulated from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events and services that were open to the public without restrictions.  This is not an official Warner Baptist Church endorsed website.


Friday, December 2, 2011

Men Annual Day on Dec 4. Rev Norman Smith, Pastor Emeritus, Mt. Olive Baptist, Rectortown, Va will be the guest preacher

Listing, in part, of services scheduled through December 1lth

Sunday, Dec 4th -The Men's Ministry will celebrate their annual day at 3 p.m.  The guest speaker will be Reverend Norman Smith, Pastor Emeritus of Mt Olive Baptist Church in Rectortown, VA.

Pliney Britford is President of the Men Ministry.

Tuesday, Dec 6th - No Bible Study Class                                                                        

Wednesday, Dec 7th - Deaconess Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
                                    Joint Boards Meeting at 7:30 p.m.

Friday, Dec 9th - Church Meeting at 7:30 p. m.

Sunday, Dec 11th - New Members Fellowship after a.m. service. Food will be served.

Church activities and services for the month of November 2011

This listing is for the records. Most of the following events were included in the church's weekly notices

     The afternoon services were:

     Sunday, Nov 6.  Deacons Day. Rev Daniel Brown, Agape Church, guest preacher

     Sunday, Nov 13. Women Annual Day. Dr. Janice Winters was the guest speaker
     Sunday, Nov 20.Family & Friends Day. Rev James Contee, St John Baptist, Arlington, guest preacher
     Sunday, Nov 27. Holy Communion at 11 a. m.

    Bible Study classes were held every Tuesday night, starting at 7 p.m. We studied from the book of Joshua  in the old testament.

    Prayer Meeting, scheduled to start at 8 p.m. occurred every Tuesday night.

   Funeral services were held on Nov 30th for Brother Charlie Hunter, who died in his 103rd year,  He was truly   blessed with long life (Read Prov 3:1-6).

  Midnight Prayer Meeting was held on Friday, Nov 4 (starting on/or about 11:55 p. m. thru the early a.m. hours.

   Saturday, Nov 12.  The Men Ministry sponsored a Prayer Service for men from WBC and other churches in the area.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

"The Final Flight," a play presented by Warner Baptist drama group was a delight for the congregation assembled at Providence Baptist Church in Leesburg, VA on Saturday, September 17, 2011. The play was directed by Sister Lucy O'Dell.

The cast also featured members of Mt Pleasant Baptist, Alexandria, VA and Macedonia Baptist, Arlington, VA.
Director/ Playwright - Deaconess Lucy O'Dell
Narrator - Deaconess Sarah Perry

     The play was about the sudden end of earthly life for several persons who had no anticipation that their earthly journey was about to end.  The reaction varied for all of them.  For two or three passengers it was a pleasant flight with a happy ending, however, for the rest of the passengers their journey ended before the flight reached Heaven.
     The play was entertaining, but yet, reality implications were present.  When you witness the play you realize that life, in a sense, is like a bubble on water. 

     If you have not seen the play, I'd recommend you make it a goal to be present when the play is presented the next time.

     Sister O'Dell does a very good job of getting cast members and backups. 

The play has been presented by the drama group about 7 times in the metropolitian area.

The cast members and participants were:  Janice Somers; Marjorie Strothers; Carolyn Curseen; Amanda Brown; Grady Bryant; Reginia Crawley; Ruth Nelson; Albert Curseen; Evelyn Jordan; Mary Ingleton; Leon Henderson; Katherine Rucker; Millie Brooks; Carnell Richardson; Barbara Daggs and Barbara White.

Cast members with singing parts were:  Corrine Mansfield (Precious Lord); Amanda Brown (I Want to Be Ready); Ruth Nelson (I'll Go, If the Lord Needs Somebody); Mary Ingleton (I Beat the Devil Running); and Millie Brooks (May the Works I've Done Speak for Me). 

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Bible Study Class will complete its study of the Torah on Tuesday, July 26, 2011. Upcoming events for week.

The class is scheduled to start at 7 p. m.

We will study the following on Tuesday:
 1.  Complete chapter 34
2.  Do a memory walk through the Torah, starting with Genesis
4.  Identify the  mothers of  Jacob's 12 sons
5. See map of the division of the land in the promise land

We invite you to come and share with us in this memory walk.

This will be our final class for this quarter.  We will convene again on September 6, 2011 @ 7:pm 

Deacon Grady Bryant


July 27-Wednesday - Church reps will be going to Mt Olive Baptist Church in Rectortown to celebrate Rev Norman Smith's retirement. The service starts at 7 p.m.  Buses are scheduled to leave the church ground @ 3 p.m.

Pastor Pearson will be preaching. The Mass Choir w/b singing. Plan to stop at eatery for meal while enroute to Rectortown.
July 31- Sun- WBC w/b going to Oakland Baptist, Alexandria for their annual Usher's Day  Svc.
@ 3p.m.  Rev Pearson w/b preaching  & the Leadership Choir will render the music.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Homecoming Day was celebrated in a traditional southern Black churches manner on Sunday July 10, 2011 at Warner Baptist

     Homecoming day at Warner Baptist consisted of a church service in the morning that was attended by former members, families, and friends; along with current members, families, friends and visitors.
    The pastor, Rev. Matthew J. Pearson delivered the sermon, using St John 9:33 for scripture. His text was "What is your testimony".
   The youths were called upon to give a presentation. They did a wonderful job.
    Melinda Saunders, a teenager, read an original writing that she wrote. Following, with Melinda's permission is her writing:

            Homecoming to me means being around friends and family and enjoying each others company and enjoying the good food people prepare for the church. It is about being around people that you have not seen in a while or just meeting them for the first time. My mom was telling me a story about how she would go to her grandmother's church and they would set tables up outside and everybody would bring a dish that they fixed; nothing was store bought. Everything was hand prepared by the people at the church and the kitchen committee was in charge of cooking the meats. After the meals were prepared, they would eat and have church and fellowship with one another and after church her family would go to her grandmothers house and eat and have more fun and then they would go home and go to bed. So I'm looking forward to enjoying the rest of this homecoming celebration. So sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of our 2011 Homecoming celebration.
Thank you and God bless,
Melinda Saunders

After the morning service, everybody was invited to stay and share dinner in the dining hall.

In the afternoon service, Rev Robert Yancy from St Paul Baptist in Arlington, Va and his church members were the guest.  His scripture was 1st Kings 13:7-15., text: "Wolves in Sheep clothings"

A good overall scripture for this day is found in Deuteronmy 32:6.

In conclusion, Homecoming services are generally more joyous than Homegoing services.  May we strieve to greet each other more often in between the services.
    (unedited edition)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sunday, July 10th will be WBC's annual Homecoming/ Rally Day. The guest speaker for the afternoon service will be Rev. Robert Yancey, pastor of St Paul Baptist Church, Arlington, VA

The pastor, Rev. Matthew Pearson is expected to deliver the message for the morning service.
After the a.m. service, the Culininary Ministry will serve a delicious meal in the dining area. During the dinner period, usually, some old friends and/or acquaintances get together and chat about old times or what is going on today.
The afternoon service is scheduled to start at 3 p.m. Pastor Robert Yancey and the St Paul Baptist Church of  Arlington, VA will will be our guest.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bible Study: Deuteromy Chapter 31 and 32. Tuesdays July 5th and 12th 2011 at 7 p.m.These chapters provide us with more insight on Moses actions in his latter days

The outline for our study is as follows:
     Chapter 31
     a.  Joshua becomes Israel's leader
     b.  Public reading of the law
     c.  Israel's Disobedience Foretold
    d.  Introduction to Song of Moses

After class comment:  Due to time constraint, we only studied Chapter 31. We had a wonderful discussion. Our study gave us some insight on selecting pastors and leaders and reading our church covenant regular. Some churches may take two or three years to select a new pastor, whereas, others may only take 30 days or less.  The long delay is not consistant with biblical practices.  For example, after Moses, Joshua was commissioned in 30 days or less.
Our class leader tonight was Sister Yvonne Jackson. 
Our attendance tonight was 18.

On July 12th we will study Chapters 32 and 33 (time permitting)

                   Chapter 32

     a. The Song of Moses
     b. Moses Death Foretold

The Song of Moses is loaded. We look forward to studying this chapter.  We are going to put some emphasis on 32:8 to help us in our understanding.
In this chapter Moses dies, but he views the promise land from Mount Nebo.

       Chapter 33

Moses Blesses the Tribes
   a.   How many tribes were there
   b.  Who are the tribes named after

We are looking forward to a good discussion. The only book you need to bring is your Bible. If you do not have one, we will provide you with one or the necessary study material for the night.