Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Midnight Prayer Meeting at Warner Baptist Church, Falls Church on Friday, November 3, 2017

Article 14, Volume 7                                                              November 1, 2017
Midnight Prayer Meeting

Warner Baptist Church (WBC) members will be convening on Friday, November 3rd at 9 p.m. for their semi-annual Midnight Prayer Meeting.

The service is slated to end at Midnight.  (three hours)

This special prayer meeting practice started in the 1970's at WBC. It was during the time when there was a lot of problems in the USA. 

 Until recently the time of the event was from 12:01 a.m. until 6 a.m.

What happens?  Church members and concerned citizens from other churches or any walk or lifestyle in life, who believe that Prayer can change things, come together and pray, testify, and sing hymns or songs of praise and thanksgiving.

Promises in Scripture:

The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works. The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.  He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them. -- Psalm 145: 17-19 Holy Bible KJV   
                Copyright 2017. Grady E. Bryant, Sr.  All rights reserved.
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Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Warner Baptist to celebrate its Annual Deacons Day, Sunday, Nov 5,2017, guest Preacher,Robert M. Yancey, Pastor of St Paul Baptist Church, Arlington, VA

Article 13 Volume 7                                                                                October 31, 2017

            Annual Deacons Day

Reverend Robert M. Yancey, pastor, St Paul Baptist, Arlington, VA will be the guest preacher for the Deacons Day Service on Sunday November 5, 2017.

The service is slated to start at 3 p.m.

Warner Baptist highly touted Culinary Ministry will serve an on-site prepared meal to attendees before the service.

Deacon Lloyd Saunders, chairman of the Deacons Ministry.
Rev. Matthew J. Pearson, pastor

  Copyright 2017. Grady E. Bryant, Sr.

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Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Rev Dr. Donald Simpkins, Pastor, Macedonia Baptist Church, Flint Hill, VA, guest preacher for Warner Baptist's Trustees Annual Day

Article 12, Volume 7                                                                      October 21, 2017

                                 Date of Service:  Sunday, October 15, 2017

Rev Simpkins used for his scripture, 2 Timothy 2: 19-21. His text was "We are vessels found in a great house."

He put emphasis on being an honorable worker in the house of God.  Make yourself available to work for the uplifting of God's name.

Be a willing worker.

Trustee Willie B. Goode is Chairman of the Trustee Ministry.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Rev Charles A. Hall, Pastor of St John Baptist Church, Alexandria, VA, guest Preacher for Warner Baptist Church's 136th Anniversary Service

Article 11, Volume 7                                                                         October 14, 2017

Rev Hall preached the final night, Friday, October 13, 2017 of the week-long
          anniversary services

Rev Hall used Matthews 16:13,18 and other selections for his scripture.  His text was "Who do you say that I am?" and "Are you still standing on the Rock?"

His emphasis was in knowing Jesus for yourself and standing firm in your belief.  Don't go running from church to church looking for God.

Don't get caught up in believing that you need a big building to hear the Word of God. Jesus preached outdoors. You should note that Jesus built his church on a Rock. That rock was not a building.

Regardless of the sanctuary size, type, or inside structure, you need to have the "Spirit of God" instilled in you for your daily walk.

He cited, Galatians 5:1. 

Stand fast in the freedom that Christ has made possible for you and do not tangle up with the yokes that can put you in bondage.

During the sermon, Rev. Hall commented on women and their role in the ministry.

Rev Hall was accompanied by one of his church's choirs.  Included in their selection of songs, was a beautiful rendition of the song, "God is".

Christina Adams-Williams and Marjorie Strothers are the Co-hostess of the Anniversary Committee this year.

        Copyright 2017. Grady E. Bryant, Sr.  All Rights Reserved.

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Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Friday, October 13, 2017

The Renowned Men Chorus of Mt Zion Baptist Church, Arlington, VA was in concert for Warner Baptist Church's 136th Anniversary

Article 10 Volume 7                                                                            October 13, 2017
                                                                     Date of Event: Wednesday, 10-11-2017

The Renowned Men Gospel Chorus of Mt. Zion Baptist Church

The chorus rendered an array of soul touching songs.  Their selections included, "Send Your Power", "Came Here Looking for a Blessing", "Guide My Feet Why I Run This Race" and "Never Met a Man Like This Before".

The songs were spirit lifting.  The congregation stayed engaged by hand- clapping and expressions of gratitude. 

The chorus consisted of 19 men, distinctly dressed in black suits.  The organist and piano players were exceptional.

The director of the chorus is Eric Green.

Deaconess Sharon Goode, on behalf of the church bestowed special recognition to the Ushers of Warner Baptist.  Deaconess Inez Addison is the President of this distinguish  Ministry.  

Deacon Earl Adams was the Worship Leader.

Sister Marjorie Strother is the chairperson of the anniversary committee.

Rev. Matthew J. Pearson is the pastor of  Warner Baptist Church.

     Copyright 2017. Grady E. Bryant, Sr.  All Rights Reserved.

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Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Rev James Gibson, Pastor of Chesterbrook Baptist Church, McLean, VA, guest preacher, 10-09-17, Warner Baptist Church 136th Anniv Service

Article 9 Volume 7                                                                        October 10, 2017                                    
                                          Date of Service:  Monday, October 9, 2017

The theme for this year's anniversary is, "Oh Happy Day!"  So, for this anniversary, the opening hymn for each service is "Oh Happy Day"

The preacher, zeroed in on the theme and tailored his message to the art of being happy.

He cited an occasion where he was asked, "Why are you Happy?"  In his sermon he made it clear why he is happy.

Before I go to the sermon, there are three songs, by Afro-American singers, that are ranked in the all-time top 20 songs about happiness.

On the religious front,  the song, "Oh Happy Day" by the Edwin Hawkins Singers in 1969 peaked at No. 4 on the charts.  It was a favorite in churches as well as in secular music circles.
It is ranked No. 12 All-Time for happy songs. The hymn book version is okay, but I believe most of us get more perked up with this version. 

How can we forget Bobby McFerrin song in 1988, "Don't Worry Be Happy".  It was released in July 1988 and quickly became a worldwide hit.  It is ranked No. 2 on the All-Time chart for happy songs.

In 2014, Pharrell Williams' "Happy" rose to the top of the chart.  It is ranked 17 All-Time and still trending upward.

So, there is something about the expression, "Happy" that touches, I believe, virtually all people.

Reverend Gibson's text was, "Hold on to your happiness".  He cited several scriptures, from the Old and New Testament.  Included were Psalm 37:4 and 32:11.

He encouraged the congregation to hold on to their joy. Walk by faith and not by sight.  Do not let nobody steal their joy.

Also, do little things to Bless other persons.  In so doing you will be blessed.

Rev. Gibson shared with the congregation, about the time in his childhood, when the doctors  predicted that he may be unable to walk at an early age.  But through faith God blessed him not only to walk but to run and run some more.  He was able to receive a football scholarship and play college football.

Rev.  Gibson delivered a very good message about joy and happiness.  

The listeners, I believe, were prepared to stay and hear more about happiness and joy from this dynamic speaker.  But he had to conclude at some point.

Prior to the sermon, Sister Carolyn Curseen, WBC's historian, spoke about the history of Warner Baptist.

            Copyright 2017. Grady E. Bryant, Sr.  All Rights Reserved.

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Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Rev Eugene Pearson, Pastor of Mt Pleasant Baptist Church, Aldie, VA, guest preacher,Sun 10-8-17, Warner Baptist 136th Anniversary Service

Article 8 Volume 7                                                                                          October 9, 2017

Warner Baptist is celebrating its 136th Anniversary this week. The guest preacher on Sunday, October 8, 2017 was Rev Eugene Pearson, pastor of Mt Pleasant Baptist, Aldie, VA

Rev Pearson's message was focused on the "Goodness of God"'

He asked the congregation to think about all the good things God have done for them, over and over, in good times and bad times.

He emphasized the importance of having faith. Just have faith and keep striving.

As you keep moving forward, reflect on how God has blessed this church for 136 years, and is still blessing.

He quoted Numbers 3:19 for one of his scriptures.

Rev Pearson was very dynamic in his presentation.  

Sister Marjorie Strother is the Chairperson of the Anniversary Committee.

Rev. Matthew J. Pearson is the Pastor.

   Copyright 2017 Grady E. Bryant, Sr.  All Rights Reserved.

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Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Summary of the Northern Virginia Baptist Association 140th Annual Session in Gainesville, Virginia

Article 7 Volume 7                                                                             August 23, 2017                                                          
                                                 Report on the NVBA 140th Annual Session

If you are interested in the activities at the annual session this week - but unable to attend - you can visit the following websites for a report.

           (1)  and  (2)

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Warner Baptist Homecoming Day: Celebrated in a traditional southern Black church manner

Article 6 Volume 7                                                                             July 13, 2017
Views:  10,715
Countries: 10 Worldwide
        Homecoming Celebration on Sunday, July 9, 2017

The morning service attendees included current members, former members, families, friends and visitors.

The morning sermon was preached by Pastor Matthew J. Pearson.

After the morning service the congregation was invited to stay and have dinner in the dining hall.

They were treated to an old fashion country meal that included fried and baked chicken, ham, potato salad, green beans, cake, pie and lots more.

Amon Saunders provided an extra treat. Fried fish that he cooked under the tent outside.

Reverend Philip Lewis, pastor of Mount Pisgah Baptist Church in Upperville, Virginia was the preacher for the afternoon service.  He was accompanied by one of his church's choirs and several members.

The choir rendered an array of good ole fashion hymns, the kind that make you feel like you have been to church, for the service.

Reverend Lewis used Luke 4:16-30 for scripture.  His text was "Responding to Grace"
He preached about how Jesus hometown folks praised him in the beginning of this meeting but before the meeting ended, they turned against him.  Why? Well, they didn't like what he was talking about.  (Read the scripture).

Rev Lewis urged the congregation not to put their trust in their deeds and good works, instead put their trust in Jesus and God's grace.

In summary, trust in Jesus and his grace because He can do for you what nobody else can do.

Deaconess Regina Crawley was the worship leader.

Deaconess Shirley Saunders and WBC's cooking ministry prepared and served the meal.  

To see pictures of this highly acclaimed ministry in action go to Article 6, Volume 5, published on this website, 7/14/2015.
Copyright 2017. Grady E. Bryant, Sr. All Rights Reserved

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Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Celebration: Homecoming Day on July 9, 2017 Rev. Philip Lewis, pastor, Mt Pisgah Baptist, Upperville, VA, will be the guest minister for the afternoon service

Article 5 Volume 7                                                                                        July 6, 2017
total views:  10,598
Countries: 10 worldwide                                                    
Homecoming Day Celebration

Reverend Matthew Pearson, pastor, will preach, I believe, in the morning service.

Reverend Philip Lewis, pastor, Mount Pisgah Baptist Church, Upperville, VA, will be the guest minister for the afternoon service.

The afternoon service starts at 3 p.m.

Conclusion: Homecoming services are generally more joyous than Home going services.  So, let us hope to greet each other more often between annual services. (Grady's Collection of Thoughts 101)

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

  Copyright 2017 Grady E. Bryant, Sr.

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Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Obituary Eugene Puryear - Warner Baptist, Falls Church Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Article 4 Volume 7                                                                                    July 4, 2017
                                             DEACON EUGENE PURYEAR

Funeral services will be on Tuesday July 11, 2017 at Warner Baptist.  Wake will be from 9 a.m. until the start of the main service at 11 a.m.


Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.                   

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Death Notice: Eugene Puryear, Senior Deacon at Warner Baptist Church, Falls Church, VA passed away on June 28, 2017

Article 3 Volume 7                                                                     June 28, 2017

Deacon Eugene Puryear 

The beloved husband of Mary Robinson Puryear for more than 65 years, passed away earlier today, June 28, 2017.

More information will be published when it becomes available.

   Copyright 2017. Grady E. Bryant, Sr.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Vacation Bible School 2017 deemed exceptional at Warner Baptist

Article 2 Volume 7                                                                                              June 24, 2017
Vacation Bible School 2017

The 2017 Vacation Bible School (VBS) session at Warner Baptist ended Friday night.
This year's theme was "Put  on the whole armor of God."

Each night the teachers came prepared to teach.

The children were exceptional in the preparation of their arts and crafts.

Deaconess Shirley Saunders provided the music and did an outstanding job teaching the VBS music to the children and adults.  She has performed this task annually, with few, if any misses, for over 40 years.

Pastor Matthew J. Pearson was present every night and contributed in the presentations.

Compliments are also extended to Sister Rosalie Williams, the director, and all the volunteers who contributed to making this year's session one of the most lauded in recent history.

 Overall, attendance was very good every night. 

Attendees ranged in ages from 1 plus to 90 plus.

Note:  The adult class pictures were taken after class. Many members of the class were moving about.  Some lingered, and talked about how much they enjoyed the class.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

                             Copyright 2017 Grady E. Bryant, Sr.

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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Warner Baptist Vacation Bible School: June 19-23, 2017 "Theme: Put on the Whole Armour of God"

Article 1 Volume 7                                                                                      June 14, 2017                        

Invitation to Parents, Children and Citizens of Bailey's Crossroads and Beyond

We invite you and/or your family to our Vacation Bible School, 19-23 June 2017 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

You will learn about the importance and necessity of putting on the whole armor of God in your  daily walk. The key scripture for the week is Ephesian 6: 10-11 from the King James version of the Holy Bible.

Our classes will include bible teaching from the King James version of the Bible, crafts, music and games. We will serve snacks.

We believe you will find our classes spiritually rewarding, mixed with some fun too.

So, come and join us.  We will have classes for all ages.

Reverend Matthew J. Pearson, Pastor
Sister Rosalie Williams, Director

'Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church. 

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Vacation Bible School was spiritually uplifting for all ages

Article 8 Volume 6
Vacation Bible School

The 5-day session of Vacation Bible School ended on Friday, June 24, 2016.
   (to be continued)

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.