Monday, July 8, 2024

Preacher on 7/7/ 2024 for a.m. Service: Rev. Joseph Goodwin. Pastor Matthew Pearson was present after a 3 month absence

Article 2, Volume 15        July 7, 2024

          Rev. Joseph Goodwin, son of Christian Way Baptist Church, Falls Church, Virginia was the preacher for the morning worship service.  He used scripture from the New Testament for his sermon. He preached about the goodness of God.

        Pastor Matthew Pearson was present for the first time in about 3 months, after a fall, followed by illness.  He was greeted with applause and expressions of love by the congregation.

       Pastor Pearson expressed how good it felt to be back and gave credit to God for making it possible. He thanked the church for their prayers, cards, letters, and other expressions of love and concern. He wants everyone to know that he is not fully recovered yet, but he thanks God that he is as well as he is. today.

     Please remember that our Annual Homecoming Celebration and Rally will be next Sunday, July 14, 2024.  The afternoon service will begin at 3 p.m. Lunch will be prepared and served by WBC's highly acclaimed culinary ministry., starting after the morning worship service ends.
Copyright 2023. Grady E. Bryant, Sr.  All Rights Reserved. 

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed or financed by Warner Baptist Church.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Homecoming Celebration and Rally, July 14, 2024: Reverend Herman Nelson, guest preacher, pastor Shiloh Baptist, Middleburg, VA

Article 1 Volume 15

                          HOMECOMING CELEBRATION AND RALLY

On Sunday, July 14, 2024, Warner Baptist Church will have its annual homecoming celebration and rally.  Reverend Herman Nelson, pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church, Middleburg, Virginia will be the guest preacher for the service.  He will be accompanied by members of his church.

The afternoon service will start at 3 p.m.  

Lunch will be prepared and served by Warner Baptist's highly touted culinary ministry, immediately after the morning worship service.

Copyright 2024. Grady E. Bryant, Sr. All rights reserved. 

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Warner Baptist Church Closed out its 142nd Anniversary Celebration with a timely sermon from Reverend Clyde Williams

Article 15 Volume 13
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Matthew J. Pearson is the pastor of Warner Baptist Church
Guest Preacher: Reverend Clyde Williams
Scripture: Hebrew 10:23-25
Subject: The Church: A Gathering of Mutuality

                                                   Synopsis of the Sermon
The church is an attraction to many persons for a variety of reasons.  It is a place (speaking of the building) where people can gather and share many different ideas.  These ideas may include singing, dancing, learning a trade, or fulfilling a desire to build a gigantic building. There are just so many things that people do to build a building.  But there is one thing that is noticeably missing in the things that people do to build a church.  They fail to realize that the biggest tool for attracting people to the church is "The Word".  It is the Word that draws people to God.
Don't go after their money, but their hearts and willingness to work for the Lord.  
Churches should be putting more emphasis on missionary work.  This work should include more than just giving material things, although it is good to include that venture in your missionary work, but don't be blinded to not talking about Jesus and salvation, prayer, the goodness of God, helping the downtrodden, sharing, and trusting in God. Strive to be equipped with the whole armor of God ( Read Ephesians 4: 12-16).
Reverend Williams put emphasis on Christians loving one another in order to stir up love and good work.  
In conclusion, we need to encourage each other and live like the end is now.  
Again, more emphasis needs to be put on "The Word" in our missionary endeavors.

Copyright 2023 Grady E. Bryant, Sr. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Homegoing Service was held at Warner Baptist Church for Regina Thompson Crawley on Thursday, May 25, 2023

Article 14 Volume 13

Regina Thompson Crawley passed away on May 12, 2013, at Fairfax Hospital, Fairfax, Virginia.
She was born in Farmington, West Virginia on July 27, 1941, to the late John and Princess Taylor Thompson.
She graduated from Farmington High School in 1958 and afterward, in 1962 she graduated from Norfolk State University, in Norfolk, Virginia.
Following graduation, she and her late husband, James Crawley, a graduate of NSU,  joined the Peace Corps and they were assigned to teach in Nigeria. They spent two years there, before returning to the USA, after spending nine months traveling in Europe.
She taught business education for 28 years at McLean High School in Vienna, Virginia. During her tenure there, she served as Chair of the Business Education Department.  She was the first, and only Black teacher at the school for several years.
She leaves to cherish her memory, a daughter, Michele Crawley of Fort Washington, MD, and a son, Michael Crawley of Decatur, GA. She is also survived by three brothers, Virgree Thompson of Seattle, WA, Aubrey Thompson of Chicago, IL, Charles Thompson of Seattle, WA, and a sister, Cora R. Thompson of Arlington, VA.  She was preceded in death by her son, Steven M. Crawley.
Regina joined Warner Baptist church, in 1967.  She became very active in many of the church's ministries and took on several leadership roles. During her time at Warner Baptist, she was Chairperson of the Deaconess Ministry and Scholarship Ministry.  She taught Sunday School Classes, Vacation Bible School, and Bible Study classes. 
The Celebration of Life service was held on Thursday, May 25, 2023, at Warner Baptist Church. The Eulogist was Reverend Matthew J. Pearson, Pastor, and Reverend Stanley Bradby, assistant to the pastor was the officiant.

(A lot more details are available in other media outlets and publications).

Copyright 2023 Grady E. Bryant Sr. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed or financed by Warner Baptist Church.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Warner Baptist Church: Rev. Augustus Henderson was the guest preacher for the annual Revival Service this week

Article 13, Volume 13      Reverend Matthew J. Pearson is the Pastor of  Warner Baptist Church

Friday, May 19, 2023

Subject:  Revival Service

This year the church's annual Revival Services were held this week on Wednesday, May 17, Thursday, May 18, and Friday, May 19 on the ZOOM communication services.
Rev Augustus Henderson, Pastor, of Christian Way Baptist Church, Falls Church, Virginia, and former Moderator of the Northern Baptist Association was the  Guest Revivalist for the services.

Scripture: Psalm 34: 19 from the KJV of the bible.  It reads, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of  them all."

The synostosis of his sermon was as stated below:

The scripture is in two parts.  Humans, regardless of how hard they try to avoid afflictions will eventually experience them in their life.  The key is. don't let them derail you in life.  Keep striving and doing the right things.  So, regardless of how devastating things may become in your life continue to hold on to God's unchanging hands. He went on to preach that the Lord can deliver you out of them all.  Notice though, the scripture makes reference to the righteous.  Thus, it is referring to those who believe and trust in God.

The preacher also referenced Psalms 37:35. This verse is explaining how the wicked may have power, but it will be for a short time.  The wicked will eventually cease to have power.  
( I recommend that you read the whole chapter for a clearer understanding }.
Also, he invoked Matthew 6:33 message in his sermon.  This verse states that we should seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to us.

So, first, if you are unsaved, you need to pray, and seek and bring Jesus Christ into your life on a personal basis. If you do that you will be blessed. This scripture also applies to the Saved persons who may be finding the challenges of life difficult to cope with. 

Reverend Henderson delivered a timely spirit filled message. 



Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Warner Baptist Church am Svc: Rev. Ellihue Henderson included some of his USMC's lessons into his sermon on missionary work

Article 11, Volume 13   Sunday, April 30

Rev Ellihue. Henderson, is an ordained minister, at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Arlington, Virginia. He was the guest minister at Warner Baptist Church today.  On the 5th Sunday of each quarter,  WBC recognizes missionaries and their service in missionary work.
The preacher made reference to the Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF).  This force is prepared to go wherever trouble is, with short time notice.  This force does not wait for trouble to come to the USA, it goes where the trouble is located.

Scripture: Matthew 28:  19-20, Go ye, therefore, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen
Text:  God's Expeditionary Force is missionary work


After Jesus had ascended to heaven the 11 disciples realized that it was their responsibility to spread the gospel. They knew this task would put them in harm's way on occasion. Still, they accepted the challenge and went forth.   Today, we live in a world filled with one crisis after another. These crises are in the USA, as well as worldwide. Regardless, of where they are, we must be prepared to GO. 
As a missionary Baptist church, we must take the gospel to the troubled spots in the USA, and in the world.   
God used ordinary men to fulfill his earthly mission. To be a Christian, a person must accept Christ and be willing to be baptized.  Also, the person who accepts the challenge should study the Bible. 
He urged the congregation to respect their parents and teach their children to do likewise.  Also, respect should be shown to everyone.  
As members of God's Expeditionary Force, we should not be making excuses for not going to or coming to church. 
Since the pandemic people have gotten comfortable in not attending church. But, he stated that followers of Christ shouldn't get comfortable just because they can watch service on the phone or computer. There is something special about being in church.
Again as Christians, we must GO, and don't get weary of fulfilling the mission of the church.

 Copyright 2023 G.E. Bryant LLC. All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed or sponsored by Warner Baptist Church.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Gladys J. Commons faced unforeseen obstacles: The untold story of an ordinary lady rise from GS-5, Clerk-typist to Assistant Secretary of the Navy

Article 10 Volume 13
                     When the Ordinary Looks Impossible, Make it Possible!
    As we travel through this earth, we are subject to encountering a lot of obstacles or challenges that we could overcome or find a way to prevail with more faith and prayer.  Due to our lack of determination, we accept defeat, and say, "Oh well, that's the way it was supposed to be."  That attitude guaranteed you to fail.  Sometimes when we face snags that can stop us we must look for a way to overcome, them and not just walk away, because when we do we often miss the bigger prize that was within our grasp.
     Today, I am completing the story I started on February 12, 2023, Article 6, Volume 13.
Gladys J. Commons, a member of Warner Baptist Church, had a very important job interview at 9 a.m. on a hot summer day, for a promotion to a job that Afro-Americans are rarely considered for.  This job was very important to her because it was the pathway to an even higher position in the Federal government.  The competition was very fierce.  
     She left home an hour earlier than usual that day to make sure she would be on time.  When she arrived at the location, she found the right building, but there was no elevator or steps to take her to the 2nd floor.  While standing there, she noticed a soldier, who somehow scaled the building and reached the 2nd floor.  She reasoned, to herself, he must do this every day to keep from walking all the way around the building.  She could've walked around the building, to the proper entrance, but that would take 13 minutes, and she would surely be late for the appointment.  
She was wearing a brand new white dress and new white patent leather shoes. She mused, no need to go into the meeting ten minutes late because that would be a major strike against me.  
     As she was walking back to her car she saw a flock of white doves flying over her head,  After walking about 5 more steps, she thought how rare it is to see doves flying in this area.
    She turned around and walked back to that building and pondered what she would have to do to get to the second floor.  She prayed for God to make a way.
     Her mind probably went into blank mode.
     I can't say what exactly happened or how she got to the second floor.  When she became cognizant, she was on the 2nd floor, the new white dress was stained from the climb, and the white shoes were messed up.  It didn't matter, she got her composure and arrived on time.  The 5 member interview panel was stunned that she was so calmed and well-prepared for the interview.
    They literally told her that the job was hers, immediately after the interview.
    She thanked God for giving her the determination to keep pressing on and not give up.
     Gladys's performance on this job was beyond excellence.
     Later in her career, she was notified that she was being considered for an even higher position.
     In 1994, Gladys Commons was named Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (               Financial Management), a post she held for eight years until 2002.
     In 2009, President Barack Obama nominated Gladys Commons to serve as Assistant                   Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller), and she held that position from November 2009 until her retirement from Federal service.

      In church circles, she is known as Deaconess Gladys Commons,  a highly regarded Bible Study, and Sunday School teacher.  Whereas, in government circles, she is addressed as, "The Honorable Gladys J. Commons."

      She has three children, two boys,  Billy and Jimmy Commons, and one girl, Krystal Commons-Durham. All the children are lawyers and are active in criminal law practice. Her late spouse, Bill Commons, passed away in 2022. Gladys is a native of Maple Hill, NC, and a graduate of Fayetteville State University, in North Carolina.

Gladys wants everyone to know that she seeks no special recognition, she just encourages everybody to have faith in God and pray.

   Copyright 2023. Grady E. Bryant, Sr/ All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed or financed by Warner Baptist Church.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Warner Baptist Church Morning Worship Service: Rev Matthew Pearson preached about the leftover food after Jesus provided food for 5, 000

      Article 9, Volume 13                                                    Sunday, March 5, 2023

  ( to be continued)
Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Warner Baptist Church Morning Worship Service: Reverend Matthew J. Pearson preached that God's children include everybody.

Article 8 Volume 13           February 26, 2023

Scripture:  John 3:16
text  "We are included in the"God so loved" part of that scripture

Sermon:  (Gist)

" Today is the last Sunday that we will be celebrating Black History Month, as a weekly feature. But we will continue to celebrate Black History year-round.  It's important that we know that we were included in the declaration that "God so loved" We are somebody.  Our bodies function the same as every human being.  So why should we think less of ourselves?
We cannot let nobody put out of the equation in determining who are God's children.
We must have strength and fortitude and keep on growing by reading and studying. We must live the life of followers and be true to God and our native land. 
We are just passing through this world, so let us hold on and keep His commandments. For we know that God lives and because he lives we can face whatever comes out way.  
So, let us continue to worship and go forth knowing that we are somebody too in God's sight."

After the sermon, we entered into Communion service, as we do every 4th Sunday. 
After, benediction followed.

Copyright 2023 Grady E. Bryant, Sr. All Rights Reserved.   

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.   

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Warner Baptist Church morning Svc: Rev, Judge, Alexander Williams preached about being just and showing love

Article 7 Volume 13             Sunday, February 19, 2023

Today's Preacher: Reverend Alexander Williams, from Walker Memorial Baptist Church, Washington, DC
Rev Williams put emphasis on the fact that we have come a long way, as a Black race, in our quest to overcome the many obstacles that have hindered us along the way. Still, we need to seek divine guidance as we march forward and seek guidance in figuring out, "What do we do now?

Before I get into the sermon, I'm going to state that last week I shared some Black History News about a lady facing a locked gate.  That story will be completed on February 28, 2023, in a dedicated exclusive story on this blog site. Then on Friday, March 3, 2023, we are going to share with you the story of another one of our members, who was one of the children, cited through his mother, in a historic Supreme Court decision in 1975, regarding the desegregation of private schools in the USA.  The case originated in Baileys Crossroads, Virginia in the early seventies.
Next, in March 2023 we will feature a Black History story about a present/or former WBC member who recently put the high schools and colleges in the USA,  on alert about the perils involved in being prepared to provide medical care to injured players in sports and other activities.  
Now, let's go to today's service:
The Men Chorus sang. They sounded good 

Janice Somers presented some interesting information about Lewis Latimer, a Black man who did the draft work for Alexander Graham Bell's telephone invention; Bell received his patent in 1876.  In 1882, Latimer invented a carbon filament to use in light bulbs. His inventions included an evaporative air conditioner and an improved toilet system for railroad cars. 
Scripture: Micah 6: 8, He has shown you what is good. What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with God.

Text:  What is next after we have come a long way?

Sermon   " We have come a long way.  But we must keep on striving to make this country a better place. Along the way, we must love, show love to others, be kind, reach out, and call out to see how the called person or family is doing.

In talking with others, let them talk.  This practice is very important in reaching out to help others.
So, we must keep on going and doing good and what is right. Do not become weary, and keep on pressing on and trusting in God and He will lead us through whatever we confront."

Copyright 2023. Grady E. Bryant, Sr.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Warner Baptist Church: Rev Stan Bradby Delivers sermon about how to overcome, when the odds are against you


Article 6 Volume 13                                     Sunday, February 12, 2023

 Today's Preacher:  Reverend Stanley Bradby, Assistant to the pastor, Reverend Matthew J. Pearson

   **     Today's message was centered around overcoming obstacles that hinder us from achieving certain goals. These goals include education achievements; choosing a church and community to worship and live in; choosing and preparing for a work career and many other goals we may desire to achieve.
Often, we become discouraged and don't make any more effort after the slightest challenge confronts us.  
      The preacher was encouraging the congregation to keep on pushing so they can overcome difficult obstacles. Don't be quick to say, I'm black so that's not for me.
      He used 2 Chronicles chapter 20, verses 3-15 for reference (read your bible, the whole chapter)
When Rosa Parks got on the bus, she was just tired and wanted to rest her feet. She had no idea that sitting in that empty seat would cause a nationwide uproar. We just have to remember to be mindful that God can help us, regardless, of race, if we just put our trust in him. 
      Although we are celebrating Black History Month, we can find comfort in knowing that God will be our guide, just like He was for the Hebrew children.
      Before I get into the sermon, I want to share with you a story, once told by a lady in an open church gathering meeting.  
 *     She had an appointment for a job interview at 9 a.m. on a hot summer day, for a very important position within the government. This job was very important to her because it was a passage to advance to a senior-level position. The competition was fierce.  She left home early that day to make sure she wouldn't be late. She arrived for the interview 30 minutes early.  The outside gate was locked. It stood about six feet tall.  She was wearing a brand new expensive white dress and white patent leather shoes.  She was prepared for the challenge. She saw lots of people going into the building, but not one of them could help her. The open gate was a ten-minute walk, from here to the other side of the building. She felt as though, she had been intentionally given some wrong information because she was the only Black candidate among the 7 finalists.  Then, she nearly started to cry and walk away.  
      She looked up and saw a flock of black birds flying and going about their business unimpeded.  She wondered, was the birds a sign for her to find a way to cross that fence, because if she missed this interview, this opportunity may never come again.
      She turned around and walked back to that gate, said a prayer, and then...

(to be continued on February 20, 2023) We will share with you how she was blessed immensely.

Now let us go to the sermon: 
 " The preacher talked about God being on our side.   When we faced all kinds of odds against us in civil rights marches in the south as well as in other states,.  We prayed and we prevailed because we marched with faith.  There are no overwhelming odds for those who put their trust in God. When we come together and pray to God, He is able to deliver us.
     Be not afraid, for the battle is not yours, but God's.  He has blessed us through the years, so don't get afraid now.  God answers every prayer.  Nobody is able to stand against God and prevail. Read Psalm 121 (in your bible). God will make a way, even when the odds may be overwhelming against you.  Maybe, not when you want Him to come, but you can be assured that the day will surely come when he will answer your prayer if you are in pursuit of something that is righteous and intended for you to have. Amen." 

 ** Generally odds are used in talking about bets of some sort.  But today the word is used in a positive way to deliver a timely message about what God can do. It is not about gambling or taking chances.  

*    The story is based on a true occurrence. It was slightly augmented for reading enhancement. 

Copyright 2023. Grady E. Bryant, Sr.  All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed or financed by Warner Baptist Church.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Warner Baptist Church Worship Service: Reverend William Grant of Mt Olive Baptist, Marshall,VA, sermon was about Faith, Trust, and Prayer

Article 5  Volume 13          January 29, 2023

                                          Warner Baptist Missionary Baptist Church

Today is the quarterly missionary Sunday at WBC,  Today's guest preacher is Reverend William Grant, from Mt Olive Baptist Church in Rectortown, Virginia.
The choir rendered an uplifting song before the sermon, " Every Praise to my God".
 The gist of the sermon:
 Scripture:  Psalm 31
Text:  The importance of Faith, Trust, and Belief in God. Prayer is essential

"In the narrative, the three Hebrew men are thrown into a fiery furnace by the king of Babylon for refusing to bow to the king's image. The 3 are preserved from harm and the king sees 4 men walking in the flames "the fourth one looks like the son of God".  (this was before Jesus came to earth in flesh and blood). They prayed and showed their faith and trust in God. The fire did not consume them.

He talked about how Christians still have not returned to church since the Covid-19 Pandemic virus effects have been sustainably reduced.  Now they find all kinds of excuses to stay at home. Now there are excuses to help excuses. There is a need for Christians to worship together in person. 

Children are worse now than we have seen in our lifetime.  One of the problems is parents are trusting in daycare workers to teach their children. Even if their child is in daycare during the day, they still have the responsibility to teach their child, many of the principles of life, and about Christian living.

As Christians, you must stand up for what is right in the church, home, community, on the job, and in your daily walk. Don't get caught up and go along with what's wrong when you know it's wrong. 

As Christians, we must be willing to share our resources with the poor and needy as well as others. In the past, families shared bread, meal, sugar, and crops. Some had, some did, some didn't have, so those who did have shared.  Because you never know what tomorrow holds for you.

As missionaries, we must be willing to help the sick, shut-in, poor, and needy. without complaining.  

When we give gifts to help others, we don't have to announce it.  Your action glorifies God. It is not about you.  Your life is measured, in a sense, by how you walk, talk, and deliver. When there are troubles in your life, don't neglect to tell somebody who might help you overcome them. 

In life stay connected to Jesus and his teachings through faith, trust, and prayer."
After the sermon the choir rendered a wonderful rendition of the song," Lead me on Lord, guide me".

Sister Velma Williams is the president of our Missionary Ministry                                                      
Copyright 2023. Grady E. Bryant. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed or financed by Warner Baptist Church.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Warner Baptist Church Worship Service : Reverend Matthew J. Pearson preached about the rewards of being a caring person

Article 4 Volume 13                    January 22, 2023

Opening hymn:  "My God is awesome"

Scripture:  II Samuel 9: 7- 13
Text: One can eat continually

The gist of the sermon:
When Jonathan was alive David showed great love for him. They went through some hard times together. Jonathan saved David's life on at least one occasion.  David learned that one of Jonathan's sons was paralyzed.  This news troubled David.

He sent for Jonathan's son. 

(To be continued)

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed or funded by Warner Baptist Church.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Warner Baptist Worship Service: Reverend Stan Bradby's sermon was about civil rights workers and their trust in God

Article 3, Volume 13     Sunday, January 15, 2023

 Scripture: St John 15: 1-15 read by Deaconess Gladys Commons (Read it)

Janice Somers gave a beautiful synopsis on the life of Daniel Smith, a civil rights activist who was the son of a slave.  He passed away about 2 years ago. ( to read about him go to Google).

Scripture:  Psalm 91: 1-4 ( Read it in your Bible)
Text:  Living by faith and trust in God

Sermon: Reverend Stanley Bradby

 The gist of the sermon:

Rev. Bradby highlighted the works of the civil rights workers and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the '50s and '60s.  They lived by faith and trust in God as they marched, sit in, and demanded, in a peaceful manner that the Afro-Americans ( we were called Negros back then) be given their civil rights in the United States. Many of them were willing to die for the cause, and some did. In their quest for freedom, they sang a lot of Christian songs for inspiration.   
 In our demand for rights today we must continue to press on and know that God will never leave us.  He is faithful to his word and promises.  To know Jesus is to trust Jesus.  We must not grow weary in our quest, because God hears our cry.  We serve an on-time God.  

Let us continue to trust in God, worship and believe in Him, and be obedient to the teaching of Jesus and everything will be all right at the end of the day.  Remember Joy comes in the morning
It was a good inspirational message.  So, as we celebrate Dr. King's birthday and works let us not forget that there have been a lot of people involved in this quest for equal rights.  But let us continue to pray and trust in God and live a life that is pleasing in his sight. Remember, there is still a lot we can do. Are you willing to sacrifice for the betterment of life on earth?

Copyright 2023 Grady E. Bryant, Sr.  All Rights Reserved. 

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed or funded by Warner Baptist Church.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Warner Baptist Morning Service: Rev Matthew Pearson sermon was about leadership

Article 2 Volume 13                January 8, 2023

Scripture: Romans 11: 13 "For I speak to you * Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office: ( verse 14. If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them.)

Subject:  "The blessings are great"

The gist of the sermon:

Leaders in churches are generally hand-picked by the pastors and others in churches
However, in some cases, they are handpicked by God.  When picked by God they are willing to follow him.  God knows what he is doing.

Apostle Paul in the book of Acts started at the bottom of ministry.  He suffered a lot along the way. But he hung in there and became an outstanding leader.
Leaders are willing to serve others.  
Jesus set the example.
Lets us continue to pray for church family and continue to magnify Jesus's name and works.

After the sermon and invitation to Christianity, the installation service was held.
Leaders of various ministries within WBC pledged to faithfully fulfill their leadership roles. 
Rev Stan Bradby rendered a special prayer, and the congregation sang, "Count on me."
Benediction followed.

Copyright 2023. Grady E. Bryant Sr. All Rights Reserved.

* Gentile describes any and every person of non-Jewish heritage.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr.,
obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.