Sunday, January 29, 2023

Warner Baptist Church Worship Service: Reverend William Grant of Mt Olive Baptist, Marshall,VA, sermon was about Faith, Trust, and Prayer

Article 5  Volume 13          January 29, 2023

                                          Warner Baptist Missionary Baptist Church

Today is the quarterly missionary Sunday at WBC,  Today's guest preacher is Reverend William Grant, from Mt Olive Baptist Church in Rectortown, Virginia.
The choir rendered an uplifting song before the sermon, " Every Praise to my God".
 The gist of the sermon:
 Scripture:  Psalm 31
Text:  The importance of Faith, Trust, and Belief in God. Prayer is essential

"In the narrative, the three Hebrew men are thrown into a fiery furnace by the king of Babylon for refusing to bow to the king's image. The 3 are preserved from harm and the king sees 4 men walking in the flames "the fourth one looks like the son of God".  (this was before Jesus came to earth in flesh and blood). They prayed and showed their faith and trust in God. The fire did not consume them.

He talked about how Christians still have not returned to church since the Covid-19 Pandemic virus effects have been sustainably reduced.  Now they find all kinds of excuses to stay at home. Now there are excuses to help excuses. There is a need for Christians to worship together in person. 

Children are worse now than we have seen in our lifetime.  One of the problems is parents are trusting in daycare workers to teach their children. Even if their child is in daycare during the day, they still have the responsibility to teach their child, many of the principles of life, and about Christian living.

As Christians, you must stand up for what is right in the church, home, community, on the job, and in your daily walk. Don't get caught up and go along with what's wrong when you know it's wrong. 

As Christians, we must be willing to share our resources with the poor and needy as well as others. In the past, families shared bread, meal, sugar, and crops. Some had, some did, some didn't have, so those who did have shared.  Because you never know what tomorrow holds for you.

As missionaries, we must be willing to help the sick, shut-in, poor, and needy. without complaining.  

When we give gifts to help others, we don't have to announce it.  Your action glorifies God. It is not about you.  Your life is measured, in a sense, by how you walk, talk, and deliver. When there are troubles in your life, don't neglect to tell somebody who might help you overcome them. 

In life stay connected to Jesus and his teachings through faith, trust, and prayer."
After the sermon the choir rendered a wonderful rendition of the song," Lead me on Lord, guide me".

Sister Velma Williams is the president of our Missionary Ministry                                                      
Copyright 2023. Grady E. Bryant. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed or financed by Warner Baptist Church.

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