Article 12, Volume 3 June 3, 2013
Warner Baptist ushers celebrated their annual usher's day on Sunday, June 2, 2013 at the church. Rev. Rodney Teal, pastor of Jerusalem Baptist, Washington, D. C. was the guest preacher for the occasion. He was accompanied by his church's Mass Choir and several members.
.Rev. Teal used Proverbs 3:5-6 for his scripture. His text was "On the Right Road"
The gist of his sermon is presented below:
In his sermon he encouraged the congregation to trust God. If you do that, then you can travel on the right road. You must believe Jesus is the right entrance to getting on the right road and to success in life. Believe and trust. God will deliver.
Consult God in decision making. Try and trust God and He will make a way regardless of the situation.
The Jerusalem Mass Choir rendered some beautiful spirit filled songs that included the following:
"Gonna Have a Good Time"
"My God is Awesome"
"On the Right Road"
"I Surrender All"
I tell you, the folks were standing and clapping with joy.
Of course, we had the renowned, "Virginia Ushers March" by the ushers. They were stepping and marching on key. It was a beautiful sight to see.
The worship leader was Olympus Richardson, from Shocco Missionary Baptist Church in Warrenton, N.C. He was introduced by his brother, Cornell Richardson. Evelyn Jordan, from Macedonia Baptist read the scripture. The Welcome was extended by Taylor Tripp (Junior Usher) and the response was expressed by Sis. Jerdleen Boffman, ICUA Distrist #1 President.
The prayer was rendered by Deacon Elijah Williams of Warner Baptist.
The Kitchen Ministry, lead by Sister Shirley Saunders provided a tasty fried and baked chicken meal. As usual the food had that down home touch. We thought we had too much food, but as it turned out we barely had enough. But the good news is: Everybody got something to eat. Nope, Warner Baptist don't run of food. If we do, we'll go out and get some more. Everybody eats at Warner Baptist when meals are served.
Remarks were made by Sister Inez Addison, president of the senior ushers, Cornelius Turner, Jr, president of the junior ushers.and Pastor Matthew J. Pearson.
It was a wonderful service.
Congratulations to the Warner Baptist Church ushers for providing a top notch service another year.
Copyright 2013. Grady E. Bryant, Sr. All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on the site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,accumulated from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements and services that was open to the general public. This is not an official endorsed Warner Baptist Church website.
Usher's Day Celebration
Warner Baptist ushers celebrated their annual usher's day on Sunday, June 2, 2013 at the church. Rev. Rodney Teal, pastor of Jerusalem Baptist, Washington, D. C. was the guest preacher for the occasion. He was accompanied by his church's Mass Choir and several members.
.Rev. Teal used Proverbs 3:5-6 for his scripture. His text was "On the Right Road"
The gist of his sermon is presented below:
In his sermon he encouraged the congregation to trust God. If you do that, then you can travel on the right road. You must believe Jesus is the right entrance to getting on the right road and to success in life. Believe and trust. God will deliver.
Consult God in decision making. Try and trust God and He will make a way regardless of the situation.
The Jerusalem Mass Choir rendered some beautiful spirit filled songs that included the following:
"Gonna Have a Good Time"
"My God is Awesome"
"On the Right Road"
"I Surrender All"
I tell you, the folks were standing and clapping with joy.
Of course, we had the renowned, "Virginia Ushers March" by the ushers. They were stepping and marching on key. It was a beautiful sight to see.
The worship leader was Olympus Richardson, from Shocco Missionary Baptist Church in Warrenton, N.C. He was introduced by his brother, Cornell Richardson. Evelyn Jordan, from Macedonia Baptist read the scripture. The Welcome was extended by Taylor Tripp (Junior Usher) and the response was expressed by Sis. Jerdleen Boffman, ICUA Distrist #1 President.
The prayer was rendered by Deacon Elijah Williams of Warner Baptist.
The Kitchen Ministry, lead by Sister Shirley Saunders provided a tasty fried and baked chicken meal. As usual the food had that down home touch. We thought we had too much food, but as it turned out we barely had enough. But the good news is: Everybody got something to eat. Nope, Warner Baptist don't run of food. If we do, we'll go out and get some more. Everybody eats at Warner Baptist when meals are served.
Remarks were made by Sister Inez Addison, president of the senior ushers, Cornelius Turner, Jr, president of the junior ushers.and Pastor Matthew J. Pearson.
It was a wonderful service.
Congratulations to the Warner Baptist Church ushers for providing a top notch service another year.
Copyright 2013. Grady E. Bryant, Sr. All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on the site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,accumulated from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements and services that was open to the general public. This is not an official endorsed Warner Baptist Church website.
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