Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Rev Todd Brown, Pastor of First Baptist of Chesterbrook was guest preacher on 3rd day of the 93rd Anniversary celebration

Article 20, Volume 3                                                                          Tuesday, October 15, 2013

         Services posted for 3 days (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) 
  Warner Baptist Church's 93rd Anniversary - 3rd Day Celebration

The guest preacher was Rev. Todd Brown from First Baptist Church of Chesterbrook, McLean, Virginia.

His scripture was  from Matthew 28:18-20. His text was "Everything I need".

The preacher assured the congregation that if they had Jesus, they had all that they need in these trying times.

Considering the state of affairs in the United States,  The message was very timely.
                                                                               Wednesday, October 16, 2013
                                                        4th Day Celebration

The special guest for today's celebration was the Men's Chorus from Mt Calvary Baptist Church, Fairfax, Virginia Reverend Isaac Howard was the director and pianist.

The chorus selection of songs for the evening  included:

   1. Jesus keep me near the Cross 

   2. Jesus getting us ready for that great day

   3. Just a closer walk with Thee

   4. Father help your children

   5. I want to live so God can use me


 Gwendolyn Haight is the Chairman of the Anniversary Committee

                                                                                           Thursday, October 17, 2013
                                                     5th Day Celebration 

The special guest preacher for today's celebration was Reverend James E. Scott, pastor of  Laurel Baptist Church, Alexandria, VA

He used Mark 12: 1-12 for Scripture. His text was " This is the Lord's doing."

Rev. Scott sermon was about God sending his only Son to earth to save mankind. Nobody but his Son could do the task. He emphasized that God is good and can heal.             

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on the site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,accumulated from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements and services that was open to the general public. This is not an official endorsed Warner Baptist Church website.

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