Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Miracles Are Real: Lady on bike hit by SUV, leaves scene without any visable injuries

Article 19, Volume 5

We read in the old testament of the Bible that Daniel was put in the lion's den and walked away the next morning without any injuries. God sealed the mouth of the lions so that they could not do any harm to him. (Daniel 6 chapter).

Also, we read in the Bible about the three Hebrew boys who were cast in the fiery fire in the furnace, and the next morning they came out of the furnace without any injuries.  

Many persons believe those stories, but they don't believe that such miracles or blessings can happen today. I believe that whatever miracles God performed in the past, he can perform like, similar, or even greater miracles today at time or place.

Well, let us fast forward to today.  In October 2014, a very devout Christian lady was riding her bike in the city of Fairfax, Virginia.

She came to a very busy intersection, stopped, waited for the light to change, and proceeded on her bike at the appropriate time across the street.

Before she could get across the street a big SUV made a right turn on the red light and hit her.There was a large bang.  People hopped out of their cars, some of them fearing the worse, went running to the scene to check her out and do whatever they could to help.

When they got to the point of impact, she was just standing there without a scratch. She uttered the words, "that SUV hit me." Also, she could be heard thanking God for saving her.

 A man, I surmise, who had jumped out of his car, ran to the point of impact, looked, and shouted out in a loud voice, "It is a miracle, I saw it with my own eyes!"

While all of this was going on, the lady was just standing there, holding on to her bike, with no visible sign of injury, giving praise and thanks to God.

She checked herself out, and no injury whatever was found  or seen on her, because she believed in her God, the true and everlasting God. 

Somebody, I visualize, called the Rescue Squad. But the lady made it clear that she was fine and did not need to go to the hospital.

After about eight minutes, she thanked the gathered throng who had offered assistance. Then she told the driver of the SUV that she didn't need any information from him.

Without any further discussion, she hopped on her bike, and proceeded to her destination. No, she didn't turn around and go back home.

God is good. Just like He saved Daniel in the lion's den He saved this dedicated Christian woman from any harm or injury when she was hit by that vehicle.

God is real, God is good!

Who is that lady?  An active member of Warner Baptist. Name withheld by request. 

      Copyright 2014. Grady E. Bryant, Sr.



Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on the site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

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