Article 10 Volume 13
When the Ordinary Looks Impossible, Make it Possible!
As we travel through this earth, we are subject to encountering a lot of obstacles or challenges that we could overcome or find a way to prevail with more faith and prayer. Due to our lack of determination, we accept defeat, and say, "Oh well, that's the way it was supposed to be." That attitude guaranteed you to fail. Sometimes when we face snags that can stop us we must look for a way to overcome, them and not just walk away, because when we do we often miss the bigger prize that was within our grasp.
Today, I am completing the story I started on February 12, 2023, Article 6, Volume 13.
Gladys J. Commons, a member of Warner Baptist Church, had a very important job interview at 9 a.m. on a hot summer day, for a promotion to a job that Afro-Americans are rarely considered for. This job was very important to her because it was the pathway to an even higher position in the Federal government. The competition was very fierce.
She left home an hour earlier than usual that day to make sure she would be on time. When she arrived at the location, she found the right building, but there was no elevator or steps to take her to the 2nd floor. While standing there, she noticed a soldier, who somehow scaled the building and reached the 2nd floor. She reasoned, to herself, he must do this every day to keep from walking all the way around the building. She could've walked around the building, to the proper entrance, but that would take 13 minutes, and she would surely be late for the appointment.
She was wearing a brand new white dress and new white patent leather shoes. She mused, no need to go into the meeting ten minutes late because that would be a major strike against me.
As she was walking back to her car she saw a flock of white doves flying over her head, After walking about 5 more steps, she thought how rare it is to see doves flying in this area.
She turned around and walked back to that building and pondered what she would have to do to get to the second floor. She prayed for God to make a way.
Her mind probably went into blank mode.
I can't say what exactly happened or how she got to the second floor. When she became cognizant, she was on the 2nd floor, the new white dress was stained from the climb, and the white shoes were messed up. It didn't matter, she got her composure and arrived on time. The 5 member interview panel was stunned that she was so calmed and well-prepared for the interview.
They literally told her that the job was hers, immediately after the interview.
She thanked God for giving her the determination to keep pressing on and not give up.
Gladys's performance on this job was beyond excellence.
Later in her career, she was notified that she was being considered for an even higher position.

In 1994, Gladys Commons was named Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy ( Financial Management), a post she held for eight years until 2002.
In 2009, President Barack Obama nominated Gladys Commons to serve as Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller), and she held that position from November 2009 until her retirement from Federal service.
In church circles, she is known as Deaconess Gladys Commons, a highly regarded Bible Study, and Sunday School teacher. Whereas, in government circles, she is addressed as, "The Honorable Gladys J. Commons."
She has three children, two boys, Billy and Jimmy Commons, and one girl, Krystal Commons-Durham. All the children are lawyers and are active in criminal law practice. Her late spouse, Bill Commons, passed away in 2022. Gladys is a native of Maple Hill, NC, and a graduate of Fayetteville State University, in North Carolina.
Gladys wants everyone to know that she seeks no special recognition, she just encourages everybody to have faith in God and pray.
Copyright 2023. Grady E. Bryant, Sr/ All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed or financed by Warner Baptist Church.