Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Sunday School Lessons: Do your study encourage you to read and search the scriptures more?

Article 1 Volume 12

Topic:  Sunday School Lessons: Digging a little deeper                                    September 28, 2021

I have been either a Sunday School student, teacher, or administrator, for more than 60 years.  During that period I have learned a lot about the Bible.  In the past 18 months, since Zoom became popular in churches, my desire to know more about the Bible has increased.  Of course, I cannot bring up or present every question I have in class, because it would take up too much time or deviate too much from the lesson plan.  I remember the times in my little wooden church in Suffolk, Virginia when one question from a student would consume about 30 minutes of the Sunday School hour.

Below are some of the points I'm going to be writing about in October and November 2021.  My intent is to share what I found out by digging a little deeper or would like to know more about.

1.  Noah's Ark.  Did a lot of nonbelievers help him build it?
2.  The power of Abraham's faith.
3.  Where did the son of Adam and Eve go to find a wife?
4.  The scripture gives varying answers on the topic of baptism. Where do you stand? When was baptism introduced in the Bible?
5.  Is it true that once a person is saved, he/she is virtually guaranteed a seat in heaven? 
6.  Were the contents of the gospel in circulation before either book of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John), was written?
7.   How come 75 or more percent of the book of Mark is in Matthew and Luke books?
8.  Do you believe that each writer independently gathered their information from the same sources?
9.  Can you define the different types of Love?  When is it okay to say,  "I love you?
10.  Do you believe Ester worshiped and believed in God? Read the book before you answer.
11.  Explanation of the difference between  Founded and Established when determining the beginning dates for schools, churches, colleges, and organizations.

Well, that is enough to keep me busy for October and November.  Oh, there is one more thing, many of us really cling to the old King James bible. What do we know about King James? Look him up on google. 

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant, Sr obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

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