Friday, February 18, 2022

Sunday School Lesson: A forensic view-Nathan confronts David about Bathsheba. Feb 6, 2022. Part 2 Continued

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant, obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Part 2 ( Continued from Feb 16 blog)                                       February 18, 2022
Article 2 Volume 13

Uriah came to town but he did not go see his wife as David had planned. This action by Uriah surprised David. Wonder why?
I believe that Uriah may have been told that David had spent some time with his wife in the palace. See, even though Uriah was away in the war zone the news may have reached him.  You would be surprised how much news can reach a soldier when he is away from home. ( when I was in the army, 3,000 miles from home in France, you would be surprised to know how many letters I received from different people about my girl back home),
This possibility became more evident when David sent for Uriah to take a break from the war and come home. So when Uriah came home, he was suspicious that something was going on so he spent his time with the soldiers.
When David confronted him he gave him an explanation.  Uriah's action lead to David giving him a letter to take back to the military leader.  This letter gave instructions to the leader to place Uriah on the front line where his chances of survival would be very limited.
David's plan worked. Uriah was killed  fighting in the war.
When Bathsheba heard that her husband was dead, she mourned for him; then when her mourning period was over David sent for her. She came, and became one of his wives.  She gave birth to his son.
The Lord was very displeased with what David had done.
 Chapter 12. The Prophet Nathan tells David a Parable
The parable is in verses 1-4. (Read it  in your Bible). So David's anger was stirred up when he heard the parable. He told Nathan that the man should be put to death.
Then Nathan told David that he(David) was the man.
Through Nathan the Lord remained David of all that he had done for him. David was told that there would be much adversity in his household in the future. David confessed his sin to Nathan.
Nathan told David that the Lord had put away his sin and he would not die for committing it.
However, because of this deed, the child who is born to you shall surely die.  Then Nathan departed to his household.
(It is taught by many and believed by more that the lost of the child was the only punishment. However, there was lots of adversity in David's household and family in future years.  Some of the adversity encountered were: (1) Absalom killed his half brother Amnon because he had raped their sister, Tamar. David was the father of all three of the children. (2) Absalom was killed by Joab the commander of David's army. (3) Solomon kills his half brother Adonijah for trying to seize his throne. Both are David's sons. (4) Absalom attempted to take over David's kingdom.
So, you can see there was a lot of adversity in David's household that have a direct link to his sin regarding Bathsheba).
David pleaded with God for the child to live.
Nevertheless, the child died.  After the child's death, David went in to comfort Bathsheba, his wife. After, he laid with her, she bore a son.  They named him, Solomon.

What this analysis reveals is that David may have had more than a one night stand with Bathsheba. The time period from the beginning of the affair to the child's birth was longer than 9 months. Uriah was probably aware of David's scheme and that is the reason he did not see his wife when he came home on leave. David's sin, in future years, lead to much adversity in his household.
God forgave David for his he sin and David received many blessings in future years despite the adversities encountered.
One of the take away of this lesson is to seek God's forgiveness and don't think that you can outsmart God. Pray, and do not grow weary in praying.

Copyright (c) 2022. Grady E. Bryant, Sr.


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Sunday School Lesson- A forensic view: Nathan Confronts David about Bathsheba. Feb 6,2022

Article 1, Volume 13

Sunday School Lesson about David & Bathsheba from a forensic view
 Biblical Reference is 2 Samuel: chapters 11 & 12

The Presentation
This story has been told many times in many different ways about what happened, how it happen, and the consequences.  I listened to or viewed the presentation of at least 4 teachers. They were all in agreement about the consequences.
When you follow the script as outlined in the Sunday School book you don't have enough time to consider too many other matters that might enhance the lesson.  That is okay and acceptable.
The view is like this:  David was on the roof late at night and he saw this naked (assumption) woman bathing, in her back yard.  She was beautiful. He inquired about her and sent for her to visit his palace. She came Then she went back home. After she got home she sent word to David that she was pregnant.  David inquired about her husband, Uriah who was serving in David's army.
I want to point out, that while this drama is unfolding, David already has 6 wives and some children.  Where were they?
I am going to pause here.  I believe you probably know the rest of the story as traditionally taught.  For the rest of the story, I'm going to use some forensic insight study analysis.
First, let me tell you how this forensic analysis approach started with me.  It was many years ago at Mary Estes elementary, a little 4 room school in Suffolk, Virginia that served the three black communities in the nearby area. Most of the children did not have any pre-school training prior to starting school in the primary/first grade combined class. The school had two outdoor toilets and a pump outside for water. The heat was provided by two inside wood/coal heaters. 

**When I was in the first grade, my teacher taught me to keep reading until I saw the Duck.  What she was conveying to me was that I had to keep reading and analyzing until what I was reading was clear in my mind.  I had to be sure that I saw a duck and not a chicken or rooster. Then, when it became clear to me I could tell it over and over with a better understanding.
**writer's metaphor
Continuing the story using forensic analysis insight

We know that Bathsheba went to David's palace after he sent for her. But apparently, it was not the same night. Look, he had to gather some information about her. So, when she did come, apparently they spent some time talking and getting to know each other.  I'm not convinced that she did not know he was on the roof looking at her.  So, she cunningly took her time doing what she was doing. She may have spotted David on the roof prior to that night. 
How long did she stay?  The Bible does not say. It could have been a day or maybe even a month.
However, after her stay she went back home.  It was, most likely, at least 5 weeks before she informed him she was pregnant.  See, it takes time for women to be certain.  Immediately, the idea was brought forth to bring her husband home from the war.  Was it David's idea or Bathshea's?  (I am aware of at least 5 similar situations, and in each case, the plan was executed by the woman. My awareness may be based on something I read).
David arranged for Uriah to come home from the war and spend some time with his wife. Uriah came home but he surprised David.  He did not spend any time with his wife.  Wonder why?  
( To be continued on Friday, February 18, 2022)

Copyright (c) 2022. Grady E. Bryant, Sr. All Rights Reserved.


Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant, obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Sunday School Lessons: Do your study encourage you to read and search the scriptures more?

Article 1 Volume 12

Topic:  Sunday School Lessons: Digging a little deeper                                    September 28, 2021

I have been either a Sunday School student, teacher, or administrator, for more than 60 years.  During that period I have learned a lot about the Bible.  In the past 18 months, since Zoom became popular in churches, my desire to know more about the Bible has increased.  Of course, I cannot bring up or present every question I have in class, because it would take up too much time or deviate too much from the lesson plan.  I remember the times in my little wooden church in Suffolk, Virginia when one question from a student would consume about 30 minutes of the Sunday School hour.

Below are some of the points I'm going to be writing about in October and November 2021.  My intent is to share what I found out by digging a little deeper or would like to know more about.

1.  Noah's Ark.  Did a lot of nonbelievers help him build it?
2.  The power of Abraham's faith.
3.  Where did the son of Adam and Eve go to find a wife?
4.  The scripture gives varying answers on the topic of baptism. Where do you stand? When was baptism introduced in the Bible?
5.  Is it true that once a person is saved, he/she is virtually guaranteed a seat in heaven? 
6.  Were the contents of the gospel in circulation before either book of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John), was written?
7.   How come 75 or more percent of the book of Mark is in Matthew and Luke books?
8.  Do you believe that each writer independently gathered their information from the same sources?
9.  Can you define the different types of Love?  When is it okay to say,  "I love you?
10.  Do you believe Ester worshiped and believed in God? Read the book before you answer.
11.  Explanation of the difference between  Founded and Established when determining the beginning dates for schools, churches, colleges, and organizations.

Well, that is enough to keep me busy for October and November.  Oh, there is one more thing, many of us really cling to the old King James bible. What do we know about King James? Look him up on google. 

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant, Sr obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Rev Matthew J Pearson preaches about you examing your progress with God and man

Article 3 Volume 10                                         

Date:  July 26, 2020                                    Place: Warner Baptist Church

The service was broadcast via Zoom. Several members participated in the service. Sister Clara "Tinka" Payne was the facilitator.

Scripture;  Luke chapter 2: 41-52
Text:  Take a look at your progress with God and man

**Jesus earthly parents made their annual trip to Jerusalem to attend the feast of the passover.
On their way back home they noticed that Jesus was not with them.When they could not find their twelve-year old son among the travelers they returned to Jerusalem and found him in the temple talking with the teachers. These type of encounters with teachers and elders enabled Jesus to increase in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
We see that Jesus was gathering knowledge that would enable him in later life to deal with all kind of situations,as he went forth carrying out the the mandate of God.
You will note that Jesus stayed focus on pleasing God.  His actions pleased some men but not all.  That is alright.  Work to please God and man can fall in line.  Some will and some won't. That is okay as long as you are doing what is right. Man will double cross you, so strive to please God and he will be with you through troubling  and good times.
So, in conclusion, examine how you are progressing with God and man. But be focused on pleasing God.
That is the gist of the sermon today today. I encourage you to read Luke Chapter 2 in its entirety. It is on your phone.  Just google the book of Luke and go to chapter 2.
** The sermon was slightly augmented for presentation and enhancement purposes.                   
 You will note that Jesus was talking with men whom he could learn from. He was not engaged in slander and gossip. What about you?
Copyright (c) 2020 Grady E. Bryant, Sr.  All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant, Sr obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church. 

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Rev. Matthew Pearson delivers message on a scattered church being together in spirit

Article 2 Volume 10
Date of Event: July 12, 2020
                                                      Place: Warner Baptist Church

                                A scattered church can still be together in the spirit

The service today was broadcast by ZOOM.  The listeners were treated to some outstanding gospel music by 4 members of the church. They were: Sister Charlene Purdy, Deaconess Shirley Saunders, Deaconess Lillie Warner, and Brother Rick Ellibe. Deacon Guy Williams rendered the prayer for the service. Sister Mary Walker presented a poem and Sister Carolyn Edwards gave a brief history that was highlighted about her experience growing up in WBC with emphasis on homecoming day. Sister Clara "Tinka" Payne was the facilitator. 

Reverend Matthew Pearson, the pastor, was the preacher for this homecoming day service.

Sermon & Scripture
Scripture: Acts 8th Chapter and Genesis 49:10
Subject: A scattered church and the gathering of the saints

Today, Homecoming Day, for this church, we are celebrating in a different manner. No food, guest preacher, visiting preacher and church, and many other things we did be tradition or custom through the years. Be it that we are in different locations, we can still let people know about the goodness of God and salvation. God has made a way for us to come together through electronic means.
Although we are scattered today in different places we can still worship together and share God's Word. In the scripture, the messengers were scattered throughout the region after persecution against the church occurred. In chapter 8, verse 4 the scattered men went everywhere preaching the Word. They did not let the conflict stop them. Philip was outstanding.* *
Today, we are hindered somewhat by Cov-19, but it cannot stop us. God has made it possible for his Word to still be delivered and the unsaved to be saved.
Though we are scattered, the day will come when the scattered saints of God's church will be gathered and brought home. So let us go forth lifting up God's name, even Cov-19 cannot stop us from doing that. Show love and be good and encouraging and helpful to each other and remember that God is still good and merciful to us. This Cov-19 will come to an end. 
**In verse 12, Philip went down to Samaria and preached the things concerning the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, and both men and women were baptized.

That is the gist of the sermon today. I encourage you to read Acts chapter 8 in its entirety. it is on your phone. Just google the book of Acts then go to chapter 8. 
Rev Pearson is in his 49th year (48 completed) as pastor of  WBC and still delivering inspiring and uplifting sermons.
*** The sermon was slightly augmented for presentation and enhancement purposes.
Copyright(c}2020. Grady E. Bryant, Sr. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant, obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Onward with the Preach Word: Rev Stan Bradby delivers message on surviving thru the C-VD-19 Crisis

Article 1  Volume 10                                                           July 6, 2020               
 Date of Event: July 5, 2020                                      Place: Warner Baptist Church 
                                                           An Anchor of Faith

Rev Stanley Bradby delivered a timely message, through Zoom, on surviving thru the current crisis we are experiencing.

I'll present  my recap of the service:

Scripture: Psalm 27:1-3 (The Lord is my light and salvation -whom shall I fear...)
Text:   An Anchor of Faith


In times like these, some people can manage better than others. Many are not prepared for this crisis. They have put their faith in men, women, money, and worldly possessions.   However, we must know that God is the answer. God has all power.  Consider how he opened the Red Sea for the Israelites to cross over to dry land and the many other miracles that he performed in the Bible.
We need to know that God has a plan to deliver us through this crisis. We must be steadfast and trust God.  We must be or get anchored in the Lord.  If you do that then everything is going to be alright.
People often ignore signs and do foolish things, like not wearing face masks, congregating too close, not washing hands, and not adhering to other advised safety precautions. It is better to do the right thing than try to explain why you did the wrong thing.
These are tough times but we must still show passion and love for one another. It is not hard. Just do it and you may be surprised at the blessings that come your way.
In closing, if you have Jesus, then you have somebody who can carry you through. Just believe and be anchored in the Lord. Are you anchored?
(I recommend that you read Psalm 27 in its entirety. You can do that on your phone through Google.)
(The message was augmented slightly for presentation purposes. )

Copyright 2020 Grady E. Bryant, Sr. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant, obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Black Folks: Why Do You Attend Watch Meetings?

Article II, Volume IX                     December 31, 2019
                                                                                               (Mrs. Elizabeth Hall funeral information
                                                                                             is on the previous page (Article 1, Vol IX}

                                                           Watch Meeting

It is a long-time practice for black folks to be in a church when the New Year comes in. It is said by many that this practice started in December  1862 to celebrate the Emancipation Proclamation that was signed by Abe Lincoln on September 22, 1862, to free slaves, (not all), effective on January 1, 1863.  The story goes, the slaves went into the church on New Year Eve as slaves and came out on January 1,1863, after midnight, free from slavery.

(This story was originally published on my blog, All in All, Expressions of Grady E. Bryant on December 30, 2012

You can continue reading it at

Me? I'm headed to a watch meeting.  I'm going to be late but I'll be on time.
 You must read my Watch Meeting experience at

Happy New Year!

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Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant, obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Elizabeth Hall, 89, Bailey's Crossroads, Va Community Activist, Passed Away

Article 1, Volume 1X                                                          December 30, 2019

Mrs. Elizabeth Hall, Community Activist, Civic leader, and spokesperson                                                                                                                                                              

Mrs. Elizabeth Hall, a long-time resident in Baileys Crossroads, Virginia died on December 26, 2019, in Alexandria Hospital, Alexandria, Virginia.

She was a long-time member (over 60 years) of Warner Baptist Church. Reverend Matthew J. Pearson is the Pastor.

Mrs. Hall was a retired Federal Government worker and at the time of her death, she was an employee and a volunteer worker at the Baileys Community Center in Baileys Crossroads, Virginia.

Funeral arrangements are pending. Upon completion, they will be announced by some communication means.

Update from family:  6 P.M. 12/31/19,  funeral service will be on Thursday, Jan 9, 2020. No decision on the place and time.

Update: 4:30 p.m. 01/02/2020. Funeral services will be on Thursday. January 9, 2020, at  Warner Baptist Church, Lacy Blvd, Falls Church, Virginia.  The viewing will be from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. and the service will commence at 10 a.m. 

              People who visit this site also read:

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant, Sr, obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Warne Baptist Vacation Bible School is in session this week June 18-22, 2018. Lesson Outline for Thursday June 21.

Article 3 Volume 8

       Topic for Week:  God Makes a Way 24/7, 365!
 All of the lessons this week in all of the classes relate to the topic.

The subject for the adult class lesson on June 21:  Dressed by God

Following is the lesson outline for the adult class

Scripture:  Luke 12:22-31
                    Phil 4:5-7
                              1. Treatment of all people
                              2.  Don't be anxious about anything (Pray)
                              3.  I GOT SHOES
                                   a. Slave Ancestors
                                       (Sing about shoes) (clothes) (gold) (shouting)
                                   b. Look for a brighter day
                                   4.  Anxiety about our needs
                                       (food, clothes, rent, mortgage, car note, tuition, clothes)
                                        (Do you have enough?)
                                        (Gospels directed at certain groups)
                               5.  Rich worry about dying rich than they do about living rich

                               6.  Tell brother to share family inheritance 
                               7.  Brief discussion about inheritance

                               8.  Rich man wanted more! !  Was he motivated by greed or worried about
                                      not having enough?
                               9.  Never consider unclean what God has made pure (Acts 10:15)

                             10.  Lilies like dandelions or wildflowers

                            11.    Pray and give thanks ( Phil 4: 6)

                            12.   How can you simplify your life?
                            13.   I'm going to leave you in the hands of the Lord  (two minutes)

                           14.   Amen

          Teacher:  Deacon Grady Bryant


Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Black History Month: We are Black History

Article 2fo

 The folks of yesteryear paved the way for many of the changes we see.  The changes they influenced made the doors ajar.  But the trail blazers of  following years have helped open the doors a little bit more.
                             (To be continued)

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Sick: The Trials and Tribulations Endured by Many Sick People

Article 1, Volume 9
                                                        Sickness Come in So Many Ways

I have been blessed to walk this earth for more than 75 years.  There has not been a day, that I can recall when I was unable to get out of bed and move around nor has there been a day when I absolutely had to use a walking cane or some other instrument for to get around.  I don't know about tomorrow or the future.  I am thankful to God for the blessing.

Through **13 years of elementary and high school, I don't believe I missed more than 7 days of school.  I remember the times when most of my siblings had chicken pox or measles and it just passed me by, though I was in the household with them and didn't do anything special to avoid getting sick.

I was a home delivery paperboy of a weekly newspaper for 11 years.  My route required walking about 3 miles to deliver, and hope to get paid in some cases, papers at least once a week. Sometimes, I had go back the next day or during the week to collect .15 cents or in some cases maybe .30 or .45 cents owed me. I earned .05 cents for each paper sold at .15 cents per paper.

Looking back, although I was sick sometimes, I never missed a week delivering newspapers.

During the whole period mentioned above, I was in Sunday School and morning church services at Pleasant Union Baptist in Suffolk, Virginia virtually every Sunday.  I did not have to wait for anybody to pick me up or go with me to church.  I just walked.

I believe my faithfulness in attending church and sharing God's Word with others, was a reason, in part, all of the other blessings, I mentioned above, were bestowed upon me.  

Despite all that I write, in my lifetime I have seen people incur a lot of suffering in homes, hospitals, churches, on the job and many more places.  We pray for them and ask if we can help, in most cases they probably say No or whatever you do will be helpful.

 If a person is sick and has been unable to really work for a few weeks, you should probably figure he or she need some help.  How much?  It may be $3,000 or $300 or $50.  It is hard for them to express what they really need, so they leave it up to you to offer what you can or is willing to offer.( Read chapter 42 of the book of Job)

I have witnessed my wife endure a lot of pain and multiple operations  through the years.  Sometimes she could barely move.  But through God's grace and blessings she can still get up and about.  

Recently I spent 10 days in the hospital. It was the first time in over 75 years of living, that I had to spend time as a patient in a hospital.  Until after my admittance, I did not have a first hand sense of being sick.  I could identify with sickness through empathy I felt in discussions or talking with others who were sick.

My illness, in part, is  dealing with a foot matter that may have roots going back more than 40 years.  

Now I have a better sense of the pain my wife experience every day, the visible suffering church members and people from all walks of life endure.  Sometimes they do not talk about it, because that can bring more pain.  However, in some cases the reverse is true.

Nevertheless, we just don't know until we have a first hand experience.  We can have empathy for others, but we just don't know.

Being sick does not mean that you are down and out and unable to do anything.  Sickness comes in so many ways.  It can be any part of the human body.  The pain can be so sever that it will stop you as much as any major sickness.  Therefore, we must seek help for the small as well as the big pains or injuries.  Because untreated, the small also can have a devastating affect on our lives.

Pray, eat well, exercise, and don't take anything for granted, because life is a journey full of challenges.

Are you really prepared for the journey? 
 **I was a slow learner, so I had to repeat the kindergarten/first grade combined class.
The next two grades, I virtually memorized all the class material. Repeating was good,
      Copyright 2018.  Grady E. Bryant, Sr.  All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Looking back at the Good News and Favorable Outreach attention this blog site has attracted for Warner Baptist

Article 18, Volume 8
        Good News and Information spread through this news outlet

In the year 2011, I looked back at my newspaper writing experience and investigative report  
writing skills and decided I wanted to cover news at WBC on a limited basis. The church was not familiar with my newspaper and report writing skills.

So, I decided to take full responsibility for all my articles and write a disclaimer.

Now, 104 articles and 7 years later I'm still writing.  Many of my articles, have been picked up by other news outlets and shown around the world.  

The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th most views are from Russia, France, and Germany respectively with 1200 collectively.  There are views from more than 25 countries.  This viewership is not only good news for Warner Baptist but also for the pastors and churches that are featured in the articles.

Rev. Robert Yancey sermons have attracted the most viewers, nearly 500, followed by sermons by Reverend Elton Wilson and Reverend Darrell White.

My favorite articles include the coverage granted to Revival services by Reverend Yancey, Reverend Eugene Pearson and Reverend Shep Bridgett.  We covered all five nights in each case.
Also, the sermon by Reverend Stanley Bradby this year, in January on "Willing Workers" is a favorite. I called it a Martin Luther King Celebration speech. (google,  "Martin Luther King. Stanley Bradby.Warner Baptist).

I cannot forget the article about the church member who was hit by a bus. After a few moments on the ground, she hopped up, got on her bicycle, and went on about her business. She refused to seek or wait for any type of medical assistance.

Also, there are many pictures and video (some unpublished) from a variety of events.

Many churches have beautiful websites that cost $500 or more a month to publish church news and events.  In many cases they just publish announcements.  My journal is different.

Interestingly, my journal is not included in the bulletins or mentioned in the announcements of the church. This action, may be because of the disclaimer.  Therefore, most members are unaware of  My Journal publication. I sometimes think I have more viewers in Russia than at my church.

The viewership of nearly 12,000 is not bad when you consider the limited number of articles I write. 

This is my last article for this year. Let me think about continuing next year.  I have three other blog sites. 

Happy New Year!

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Rev Norman W. Smith passed away on November 6, 2017. Limited funeral details are available

Article 17 Volume 7         

Rev. Norman W. Smith, Sr.
Limited Details on Funeral Arrangements are provided on website.
 Go to:

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Warner Baptist noninclusive Schedule of Events and Services for November 12-30, 2017

Article 16 Volume 7                                                                           November 11, 2017                    

 November 2017 Schedule of Services and Events 

      Date                 Event                Time                     Info
   Nov 12        Sunday School           9:15 a.m.       ** Every Sunday
                       Worship Service       11 a.m.            ** Every Sunday
                       Women Annual Day  3 p.m.            Special annual service
 Nov 14          Noon Day Prayer Svc  12:00 p.m.     **Every Tuesday
 Nov 14           Bible Study           7 p.m.                 ** Every Tuesday  unless otherwise scheduled.
                        Prayer Meeting    8 p.m.                 **
 Nov 18           Bible Study         10 a.m.                  This is not a weekly class

Nov 19           Leadership meeting  1 p.m. or after a.m. service whichever occurs last.
vvv Nov 23           Thanksgiving Day

Nov 26           Holy Communion inclusive with 11 a.m. service   ***Monthly

                                               **Weekly- Unless scheduled otherwise
                                             ***Every 4th Sunday

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Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church. Published by G.E. Bryant LLC

Friday, November 10, 2017

Warner Baptist celebrated their annual Deacon's Day, Rev. Robert Yancey, St Paul Baptist,was the guest speaker

Article 15 Volume 7                                                                                   11-10-2017
Deacon's Day Celebrated

Rev. Robert Yancey was the guest preacher for Warner Baptist annual Deacon's Day service on Sunday, 11-5-2017.
                                    (to be continued on ll-15-2017 or an undetermined date)
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Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant,obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.