Thursday, January 5, 2023

New Year's Day Sermon: Reverend Matthew J. Pearson sermon was about rewards when you receive and believe in Jesus

Article 1 Volume 13          Sunday, January 1, 2023

Scripture for today St. John 1:12 and 13.  (Read your Bible)
text:  When we receive and believe in Jesus, great rewards can be had (received)

The gist of the sermon:
Many people outside the church ask, "Why are you going to church? What's in it?" They don't know what is going on.  You have to explain it to them.  Some will understand, and some will not.  But that is the way it goes.  It is recorded in the scripture that, to them, that believed, he gave them power. As Christians, with belief, we got power.  We got the power to pray and ask God to help us and others.  
Highlights of what this power can mean in our lives.
 *  Sickness doesn't have any power over us.
    *  The grave doesn't have power over us.
    *  We don't have any power on our own. Any power we own came from God on every hand.

   *  These powers do not come by just being a member of a local church. 
        It comes through believing and trusting in the living God.  
 *  The more you give, the more you will be blessed.  Giving isn't about just money.

So, as we go forth, let us thank God for another year and strive to enjoy the rewards of life while we are living here on earth

   Copyright 2023. Grady E. Bryant. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Christmas Day Worship Service was extradinary: Rev Matthew Pearson preached about Jesus's birth

Article 13 Volume 12                                 Sunday, December 25, 2022

Jesus, a gift from God
Scripture: Roman 6: 23 verse.  For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The gist of the sermon: 
"Jesus was a gift to the world.  He was born in a manager. In his lifetime on earth, he preached about helping the poor and living a worthy life, believing in him.  Through him, mankind would have an opportunity to secure eternal life.  You can be rich in worldly possessions, but if you don't have Jesus you are poor. But remember, you can only have this richness when you accept Jesus as your savior. the gift is eternal life.
This is the season for exchanging and giving gifts.  But remember, the greatest gift of all, is Jesus.  Let's not forget that.  It is not known exactly when Jesus was born, but it is known that he was born. 
This message is meant for whomsoever.  To receive the gift you must accept Jesus Christ and his teaching and believe that he is the Son of God. Salvation isn't about the body, but about the soul that exists within the body.  So. today we celebrate our opportunity to receive the gift of God, which is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord " ** 

**Everything is not a direct quote, but include some wording for enhancement.
Copyright 2022. Grady E. Bryant, Sr. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Christmas: Are you still shopping for Joy? Highlights from sermon by Reverend Stan Bradby at Warner Baptist Church

Article 11 Volume 12                    Sunday, December 18, 2022

Subject: Blessed by His Coming

This week will be hectic for many Christians and non-Christians as they storm the stores looking for that special gift to be presented, mailed, or picked up by Christmas Day.  It's not only the children who are caught up in this great big Christmas anticipation outlook (CAO), but parents, relatives, friends, and seemingly just about everybody else.

The sermon was preached by Reverend Stanley Bradby, assistant to the pastor, Reverend Matthew J. Pearson.
The scripture for today's sermon: Luke 19:10 and John 10:10
The text was, "Blessed by his coming"

Rev. Bradby in his sermon, asked the question, "Are you still shopping for joy?  If so, stop and think, if you have Jesus and you have been saved, then you should have great joy.  In fact, every day should be a day of great joy.
In Luke 2:ll news of great joy is expressed when the birth of Jesus Christ is proclaimed.
Read the story in your Christian Bible.
Rev. Bradby included the following in his sermon:
 " Let us go now and tell the story of Jesus' birth. Our souls should be rejoicing because of what the Lord has done for us.  Jesus came so that we can have life and have it more abundantly. When we have Jesus we have a new life that is more than sufficient for our needs.  There are so many wonderful things that we can say about Jesus.  Also, we can be thankful to God for sending Jesus so that we may have an opportunity to have eternal life.
So, if we have Jesus, we should have plenty of Joy in our life.  We can increase our joy by sharing and telling others about Jesus and encouraging others to share and thank God for his many blessing.  
It is wonderful to share gifts this season, but don't lose focus on the main reason we celebrate Christmas." **
Well, that is the highlight of Reverend Bradby's sermon.

This Sunday was WBC's third Sunday back in the church building since the pandemic struck in 2020.  It really is a different feeling being in the building. You can see and hear the services thru electronic means.  Worshiping in that manner allows you to have a "pajama" church at home. Just think of all the things you can do while tuned into the service and still in your pajamas.  But there is something different about being in the church.  You can compare it to going to a concert for a musical or show or listening to songs on the radio or CDs, or DVDs, or whatever.  
The choir was wonderful.  They rendered 5 beautiful songs for our annual Christmas Musical.

I know there are a variety of good reasons why many members are hesitant to return to church right now. But it was good to see members and visitors, including children, present from Bethesda, Md, Prince Georges County, MD, Woodbridge, VA,  Manassas, VA, and even a resident of North Carolina.

I mean, we can always find a reason not to attend church in person because "Pajama" church is really comfortable, You may not be able to return now. You may need to exercise caution for yourself and your family. But when the time is right, we as children of God must gather again, eyeball to eyeball, and worship together in person in the house of worship.  
 **Everything is not a direct quote. But the gist of the message is presented

Copyright 2022 Grady E. Bryant, Sr.  All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Warner Baptist Annual Deacon's Day , Sunday, November 6, 2022. Rev. Dr. James Kelly will be Guest Preacher

Article 9, Volume 12                                                                        
                                                Annual Deacon's Day
Reverend James R. Kelly, pastor of Silver Hill Baptist Church, Bealeton, Virginia will be the preacher for this service.  The service will be on Zoom Platform (contact Warner Baptist for credentials) or you can call in via one-tap mobile at 301-715-8592. The service is scheduled to start at 11:30 a.m.
Reverend Matthew J. Pearson is the Pastor of Warner Baptist and Deacon Lloyd Saunders is the Chairman of the Deacon Board.
The pictures below were taken in the Summer of 1970.  That year we were celebrating the 50th year Anniversary of our Establishment in 1920. 
The Way We Were

                Pictured Extreme left: Deacon Summers. Front Row: left to right:
                All deacons: F. White; J. White; M. Fuller; G. Bryant, Sr; R. Jackson;
               and E. Puryear

                                                                 Senior Deacons

                    Left to right: Deacons J. Adams; R. Jones, Sr., and H. Summers,

                      Copyright 2022. Grady E. Bryant, Sr. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Rev Elton P. Wilson, Pastor of Mt Zion Baptist Church, (St Louis) Middleburg,VA was Keynote preacher for Warner Baptist first day of celebrating its 93rd Anniversary


Article 18, Volume 3                                                             Monday, October 14, 2013

 93rd Anniversary Commences - Celebration from Sunday, Oct.13 thru Friday, Oct 18, 2013

Pastor Matthew J. Pearson delivered the morning message. His scripture was from Colossians 2: 6-7 and his text was "Being Established in the faith of Christ Jesus"

The final song for the a.m. service was, "Hold Back the Night" featuring Lily Warner as the lead singer. The Sister can sing. As the choir neared the end of the song, after about seven minutes, many in the congregation wanted more, just a little bit more.
P.M. Service

Reverend Elton P. Wilson, pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist (St.Louis) in Middleburg, VA, and members of his church were special guests for day one of Warner Baptist's 93rd anniversary.

Rev. Wilson congratulated the members of  Warner Baptist for their sustaining will to keep on keeping on. He used Exodus 14:21 for his scripture. His text was "Dry Land".

The sermon emphasized how God made a way for the children of Israel to cross over to freedom on dry land. Emphasis was put on how God customized the wind to hold back the water. After preaching for a while, the preacher got in his comfort zone, and really stressed what God has done, is doing, and can do, if you only believe and put your faith in Him. God is our protector.

Mt Zion's choir, under the direction of Marcus Howard, presented the congregation with some spirit-filled hymns.  Two of the selections were "Oh, How Marvelous" and "Jesus Can Pick You Up". 

The songs sung by the choir lead many in the congregation to stand, clap, shout out, and stump their feet in a joyful manner.
Yes, it was a wonderful service, and an afternoon well spent.
Oh, thanks also go out to the Culinary Ministry for serving a wonderful meal.

Well, we will be at it again tonight. (10/14/2013)

Will you be there?

Gwendolyn Haight is the chairperson of the Anniversary Committee. Denise Britford is the assistant chairperson. Sister Haight announced or introduced all members of the committee and gave a special thanks to her husband, David for all the assistance he has given her. 

The devotion is scheduled to start at 7 p.m. each night.

Speakers for the week are as follows:

Monday - Rev. Martin T. Pickett - First Baptist, Merrifield

Tuesday - Rev. Todd Brown - First Baptist, Chesterbrook

Wednesday - Musical

Thursday - Rev. James E. Scott - Laurel Grove Baptist, Alexandria

Friday - Rev. Robert Yancey - St Paul Baptist, Arlington

Copyright 2013 by Grady E. Bryant. All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant, Sr., accumulated from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Reverend Nelson Sneed, Pastor of Little Forest Baptist, delivers timely message at Warner Baptist about trusting in God

Article 8 Volume `12

Reverend Nelson Sneed, Moderator of the Northern Virginia Baptist Association was the guest preacher at WBC for their 141st founding celebration on Sunday, October 16, 2022.  The sermon was preached from the church thru ZOOM.
Scripture:  Psalm 16:8
Subject:  The true church must remain relevant in a rebellious culture

In the sermon, Rev. Sneed emphasized that churches must listen to the spirit and not be led astray. We need to go to God on a regular basis and ask him to walk with us in our daily lives. 
Covid-19 has affected the way we worship. 
We encounter a lot of evil in our daily walk. Relevant churches do not run with idols.
Summary:  In these trying times go to the Rock (God) and ask for help.  It is important that churches continue to be relevant in this rebellious culture that we live in.  Don't be moved.
Be kind and compassionate to one another. Also, encourage one another, and let us continue to trust in God in our daily endeavors.
                                                      Reverend Nelson Sneed and his wife Sara

Copyright 2022.Grady E. Bryant Sr. All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Friday, September 30, 2022

Why dedicate a full Sunday School lesson to the birth of Moses?

Article 7  Volume 12                                                     September 30, 2022
                                  What is so special about the birth of Moses?

When I first saw the lesson for October 2, 2022, I wondered why are we spending a whole lesson on the birth of Moses. (Exodus 2:1-10). My initial reaction was to see if I could see anything special about this birth that would merit a whole lesson dedicated to the topic.  Well, before I started talking, l needed to do some research. I found out that there can be some justified reasons.  But my reasons will differ from what is in the printed lesson. Four of my reasons follow:

1. The mother wanted to save her child. She knew that the king wanted to kill all Jewish babies.  She hid the baby for 3 months.  Then she decided to put him in a basket and sent the basket floating in the river.  This act was nothing but faith.  What if that basket would have sunk?  Also, consider the Nile river was dangerous in many ways,  It was a home for at least 10 types of venomous snakes; then there were the crocodiles that were subject to attack anything that moved.  Yet. despite all of these dangers, the basket sailed untouched down the Nile river. I am going to assume these dangers did not exist in the part of the river where the basket sailed because Pharah's daughter bathed in the river on a regular basis.                                                                                    
God was in control. 
The ironic thing is the basket floated where it could be recovered by Pharoh's daughter. When the basket was pulled from the river, and the daughter saw the baby's eyes and smile there was no way she was going to let anything happen to that baby. Despite the hate that existed by the Egyptians toward the Jews. This lady was going to protect this baby. 
 2. It was recorded that Moses's sister Marian was present when the basket was removed from the river.  She recommended that Moses' mother be used to nurse the baby. The princess agreed and paid Moses's mother to nurse him. The princess however adopted him.
Despite the king's order to kill all Hebrew babies, this child came into his household and he could not order this baby to be killed.  His daughter was very adamant that this baby was going to live in the household. 
  3.  What we can take away from this lesson, is that attitudes changes when people really get together in an eyeball-to-eyeball meeting.  
We can see how attitudes, based on race changed when the baby's welfare was a factor.
  4.  Moses grew up in the King's household with all the privileges of a king's son, he still had to remember that he was a Hebrew and there were some things that even the king could not or would not protect him from. 
Summary:  It is not always good to just read the Sunday School lesson and call it a day.  I believe that you must read and study beyond what is in the Sunday School book.  This lesson is not just about the birth of Moses but about the impact his welfare had on the 5 people featured in this story as well as the Hebrews in the forthcoming generations. God was in the midst.  It was Pharaoh's intent to use the Nile river to drown the future of the Hebrew people, but God used the river as a means to save and protect the deliverer of the Hebrew people and lead them to prosperity.
Also, as you study and teach this lesson, there are many opportunities to inject some Black History into the presentation.
I say that black folks were real slaves who spent more than 400 years in slavery in the United States, yet most of our study in the church is about the Hebrews in slavery.  Generally, we only talk about Blacks in slavery during Black History Month.

  Copyright 2022. Grady E. Bryant, Sr.  All rights reserved.  

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant Sr., obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Donna Pearson, 60, of Arlington, Virginia passed away on June 24, 2022

Article 6 Volume 12                  July 3, 2022

Donna Pearson, 60, daughter of Reverend Matthew J. Pearson, pastor of Warner Baptist Church, Falls Church, Virginia, passed away on June 24, 2022, in Arlington, VA.  She is survived by her son, Matthew D. Pearson, and father, Rev Matthew J. Pearson, and other relatives and friends.
Funeral services will be on July 7, 2022, at Warner Baptist Church, 3613 Lacy Blvd, Falls Church, Virginia. Viewing at 10:00 a.m., and service at 11:30 a.m. Details of more funeral arrangements will be announced or published through other media outlets.

Attendees are asked to wear a mask.

Copyright 2022 Grady E. Bryant Sr. All Rights reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant, Sr, obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Part 1. Tribute to my mother, A Chowan Indian from Hobbsville, NC. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn: Roxie Eure Bryant was a dedicated mother

Article 5 Volume 12                       Mother's Day     May 8, 2022                                  
Dedication:  This history story is dedicated to my family members who may have a lot of questions in the future about their heritage

Subject:  My mother's joy in life was working for the well-being of others

My mother was born in Hobbsville, NC in the early 20th Century. She was the youngest of eight children of Mary Emma Green Eure. The eight children were: Henry; Isaac; Mable; Irma Lou; Novella; Gladys; Estelle and Roxie Eula. 
Grandma Emma was a 100 percent Chowan Indian. Her father was Isaac Lee Eure an advocate for Indian rights.  The family was farmers.  There is no recorded history of slavery in the family. So, all indications are that my mother was a Chowan Indian girl, the daughter of a farming family. 
When she was 12 years old she was given the task of caring for her older sister's seven children. This task limited her ability to attend school but somehow, she managed to get an education in reading, writing, and math. The level of her formal education is unknown.
In the late '30s, she met, fell in love, and married James Felmer Bryant, a farmer, who spent much of his early life helping care for his 9 younger siblings
My father and mother were the parents of seven children.  They moved 5 times, in and around the Saratoga section of Suffolk before they finally were able to buy a house in the Pleasant Hills community of Suffolk in 1947. It was really a blessed day when we moved into that little house at 206 Baker Street.
 The youngest child Elton  ("Bow Bow") Ray was born in that house in 1949. His older siblings were Dallas Kaywood; Grady Eure; James ("Jeff"), Jr; Shirley Jean; Audrey Marie, and Albert "Pete" Lawrence: who passed away in August 2019. (All the children's last name is Bryant)
I am going to start tracking my mother's daily tasks in 1955.  That school year she was tracking 7 children in 4 education facilities. High school, a 2-mile walk; elementary school, a 2 1/4 mile walk; neighborhood elementary school, 3 blocks, and a preschool somewhere in the community. 
My mother's task was to see that all seven children were approximately dressed and went to their education facility.
Also, she had to make sure that all of them ate breakfast before they left home. Thus, she had to prepare breakfast.  Before she prepared breakfast for the children, she had already prepared breakfast for my father and packed his lunch before he went to work at the sawmill.
My dear mother had accomplished all of the above before 9 a.m.  Now, she can take a short break before going on to her next daily tasks.
(to be continued before May 31, 2022)

Part 2 Posted May 31, 2022

After a short break REB (Roxie Eula Bryant) begins preparing the wash load for the week. The children pumped 3 wash tubs full of water before they went to school.  The water in thefirst tub is is heated with a portable electric water heater. (You put it in the tbub for about 20 minutes), the 2nd tub is rinse water #1, and the 2nd is rinse water #2. 
She washes clothes twice a week for the whole family.
Piece by piece the clothes are washed and scrubbed on a scrubbing board and then rinsed in the two tubs with the rinse water by hands.  Then the clothes are squeezed to remove the water.
Afterward, the clothes are hung on the clothes line, weather permitting.
After this task my mother takes another break.  It is now noon time and REB has to start preparing supper for the nine member family. The supper will be ready at 6:30 p.m.
 (to be continued)

Copyright 2022 Grady E. Bryant Sr.  All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant, obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Churches & religious organizations can use Building & Missionary donations only for designated purpose

Article 4 Volume13                                            April 30, 2022

Religious organizations, including churches, need to be mindful of how building and missionary fund donations are used

Building Fund Donations
There are a lot of churches raising money for building funds. But there is no formal plan in place to build anything. In some cases, it is something that was discussed as long as 30 years or more ago but nothing formal ever happened.  In some cases, an architect is called in to draw up the plan.  Money is raised and after a few years, the whole plan is abandoned.  Sometimes more than $100,000 is raised and put in a building fund, and in some cases just maintained in the general fund and used for whatever is deemed necessary. 
Can they do that?  Well, this is not something for IRS ruling but is probable contingent on how state law rules apply to such matters. Many charities get around such laws by stating that the funds may be used for other purposes.  However, that statement has to be made when or before the funds are collected.
What can the donors do?  The donors can request that their donations be returned.  There is a cy pres doctrine that allows charities to use funds as nearly as possible for the purpose given if circumstances have changed to the extent that the original intent is impractical.  But such a ruling would have to go through a court or Attorney General and not a non-profit board.
Why would a donor want his or her money back?  Well, they liked the idea that was advertised but not the decided use of their donation. In many cases, the donations are probably treated as general fund donations.  
I would recommend that churches have a Building Fund Account in their church accounts ledger. Then within that account have an account dedicated to special donations. Let's say the account has $5,000 from the General Fund and $8,000 from a special donor.  The accountant needs $7,000 for a special need that is not related to building the specific object that the $8,000 was donated.  So, how much money is available for him to use?  You are right if you said $5,000.  The $8,000 must be used for the purpose that it was donated.

Missionary Fund Donations

The same principles above apply to funds raised for missionary funds.  Often these donations are commingled with other funds and no distinctions are made in the use of the money. 
For example, Mrs. Wycova donated $25,000 to be used only for the sick and shut-in. The church had a shortfall on a non-missionary matter.  Mrs. Fargo, the church accountant, decided it was okay to use $6,000 of Mrs. Wycova's donations. Was she right? No, she wasn't.  


This presentation was just to pass along some information on church bookkeeping and accounting.  Many people believe that it does not matter how the books are kept or how the money is spent as long as it is accounted for on the books. On the contrary, there are laws and rules for nonprofit accounting for churches and religious organizations. However, many, if not most, settle for the mom-and-pop storekeeping method of accounting. I recognizeC it is what it is.

The opinions and suggestions made in this article were strictly those of Grady E. Bryant, Sr based on his knowledge and experience. It is not intended to be a mandate for you to follow without consulting your accountant or attorney. and doing your own research.    

Copyright 2022 by Grady E. Bryant Sr.  All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant, obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Black churches teach primarily Jewish history in Sunday School; whereas, only a tab bit of Black history is taught

Article 3 Volume 13                                                                        March 8, 2022

Thought:  In February, every year the public is bombarded with news about Black history; then in March back to heavy doses of Jewish history

When I consider the year-round Sunday School lessons and presentations in black churches; all I see mostly is the struggles of the Jewish people. The lessons stress how they went through slavery and were delivered from bondage. Emphasis is put on how God heard their cry and delivered them. To be clear, I believe all of this happen and needs to be taught. 
But as I listen and study this material, I wonder about black history.  Didn't we go through slavery? We were real slaves. When we were somewhat freed in 1865, we did not have gold, silver, animals, and lots of clothes. Mostly all we had was what we wore and a small bag of belongings. My great-granddaddy use to tell the story about how they were free, but oh so lost on where to go and what to do.
We were not 6 or 7-year slaves but lifetime slaves.
It would be wonderful if our study could include from whence we came and how God delivered us. We called on God and he heard our cry. We are blessed. We are not just about singing and dancing and sports. Our children need to know that we had a rich history in Africa before slavery.
In our church study of Jewish history, we study in-depth their journey and trials and tribulations through history.  Whereas, when I think about it, Black history focus on the achievement of a few. Just consider, there are millions of black heroes and pioneers that we never hear about.  To be a hero or heroine, you don't have to be in the news. 
In the month of February, there is a lot published and talked about. I say this could be year-round. We don't have to just make it one month a year. 
In today's society, there is a push back on teaching black history in schools.  This means that children will know even less about their black heritage. However, if the black churches continue their present practice, black children and adults will continue to soak in a lot of Jewish history. 
Can the black churches find a way to teach more black history?  
Our history is more than about athletes and entertainers.
As a child in Mary Estes Elementary School in Suffolk, Va we were taught that Africa was a lost continent. We believed that Tarzen was the king of the continent. So, Tarzan, Jane, Boy, and a monkey were in charge of all those dark people in the movie or Africa. Then, when I got to East Suffolk High school it didn't get much better.  I remember one of my classmate's reports about how great life was for black folks in South Africa. What could we say?  Our access to news was very limited. 
 Today, it is very different but it won't matter if true Black history is not taught in churches and community educational venues. Don't put your hope in the school systems.

Copywrite 2022 Grady E. Bryant Sr. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant, obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Sunday School Lesson: A forensic view-Nathan confronts David about Bathsheba. Feb 6, 2022. Part 2 Continued

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant, obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Part 2 ( Continued from Feb 16 blog)                                       February 18, 2022
Article 2 Volume 13

Uriah came to town but he did not go see his wife as David had planned. This action by Uriah surprised David. Wonder why?
I believe that Uriah may have been told that David had spent some time with his wife in the palace. See, even though Uriah was away in the war zone the news may have reached him.  You would be surprised how much news can reach a soldier when he is away from home. ( when I was in the army, 3,000 miles from home in France, you would be surprised to know how many letters I received from different people about my girl back home),
This possibility became more evident when David sent for Uriah to take a break from the war and come home. So when Uriah came home, he was suspicious that something was going on so he spent his time with the soldiers.
When David confronted him he gave him an explanation.  Uriah's action lead to David giving him a letter to take back to the military leader.  This letter gave instructions to the leader to place Uriah on the front line where his chances of survival would be very limited.
David's plan worked. Uriah was killed  fighting in the war.
When Bathsheba heard that her husband was dead, she mourned for him; then when her mourning period was over David sent for her. She came, and became one of his wives.  She gave birth to his son.
The Lord was very displeased with what David had done.
 Chapter 12. The Prophet Nathan tells David a Parable
The parable is in verses 1-4. (Read it  in your Bible). So David's anger was stirred up when he heard the parable. He told Nathan that the man should be put to death.
Then Nathan told David that he(David) was the man.
Through Nathan the Lord remained David of all that he had done for him. David was told that there would be much adversity in his household in the future. David confessed his sin to Nathan.
Nathan told David that the Lord had put away his sin and he would not die for committing it.
However, because of this deed, the child who is born to you shall surely die.  Then Nathan departed to his household.
(It is taught by many and believed by more that the lost of the child was the only punishment. However, there was lots of adversity in David's household and family in future years.  Some of the adversity encountered were: (1) Absalom killed his half brother Amnon because he had raped their sister, Tamar. David was the father of all three of the children. (2) Absalom was killed by Joab the commander of David's army. (3) Solomon kills his half brother Adonijah for trying to seize his throne. Both are David's sons. (4) Absalom attempted to take over David's kingdom.
So, you can see there was a lot of adversity in David's household that have a direct link to his sin regarding Bathsheba).
David pleaded with God for the child to live.
Nevertheless, the child died.  After the child's death, David went in to comfort Bathsheba, his wife. After, he laid with her, she bore a son.  They named him, Solomon.

What this analysis reveals is that David may have had more than a one night stand with Bathsheba. The time period from the beginning of the affair to the child's birth was longer than 9 months. Uriah was probably aware of David's scheme and that is the reason he did not see his wife when he came home on leave. David's sin, in future years, lead to much adversity in his household.
God forgave David for his he sin and David received many blessings in future years despite the adversities encountered.
One of the take away of this lesson is to seek God's forgiveness and don't think that you can outsmart God. Pray, and do not grow weary in praying.

Copyright (c) 2022. Grady E. Bryant, Sr.


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Sunday School Lesson- A forensic view: Nathan Confronts David about Bathsheba. Feb 6,2022

Article 1, Volume 13

Sunday School Lesson about David & Bathsheba from a forensic view
 Biblical Reference is 2 Samuel: chapters 11 & 12

The Presentation
This story has been told many times in many different ways about what happened, how it happen, and the consequences.  I listened to or viewed the presentation of at least 4 teachers. They were all in agreement about the consequences.
When you follow the script as outlined in the Sunday School book you don't have enough time to consider too many other matters that might enhance the lesson.  That is okay and acceptable.
The view is like this:  David was on the roof late at night and he saw this naked (assumption) woman bathing, in her back yard.  She was beautiful. He inquired about her and sent for her to visit his palace. She came Then she went back home. After she got home she sent word to David that she was pregnant.  David inquired about her husband, Uriah who was serving in David's army.
I want to point out, that while this drama is unfolding, David already has 6 wives and some children.  Where were they?
I am going to pause here.  I believe you probably know the rest of the story as traditionally taught.  For the rest of the story, I'm going to use some forensic insight study analysis.
First, let me tell you how this forensic analysis approach started with me.  It was many years ago at Mary Estes elementary, a little 4 room school in Suffolk, Virginia that served the three black communities in the nearby area. Most of the children did not have any pre-school training prior to starting school in the primary/first grade combined class. The school had two outdoor toilets and a pump outside for water. The heat was provided by two inside wood/coal heaters. 

**When I was in the first grade, my teacher taught me to keep reading until I saw the Duck.  What she was conveying to me was that I had to keep reading and analyzing until what I was reading was clear in my mind.  I had to be sure that I saw a duck and not a chicken or rooster. Then, when it became clear to me I could tell it over and over with a better understanding.
**writer's metaphor
Continuing the story using forensic analysis insight

We know that Bathsheba went to David's palace after he sent for her. But apparently, it was not the same night. Look, he had to gather some information about her. So, when she did come, apparently they spent some time talking and getting to know each other.  I'm not convinced that she did not know he was on the roof looking at her.  So, she cunningly took her time doing what she was doing. She may have spotted David on the roof prior to that night. 
How long did she stay?  The Bible does not say. It could have been a day or maybe even a month.
However, after her stay she went back home.  It was, most likely, at least 5 weeks before she informed him she was pregnant.  See, it takes time for women to be certain.  Immediately, the idea was brought forth to bring her husband home from the war.  Was it David's idea or Bathshea's?  (I am aware of at least 5 similar situations, and in each case, the plan was executed by the woman. My awareness may be based on something I read).
David arranged for Uriah to come home from the war and spend some time with his wife. Uriah came home but he surprised David.  He did not spend any time with his wife.  Wonder why?  
( To be continued on Friday, February 18, 2022)

Copyright (c) 2022. Grady E. Bryant, Sr. All Rights Reserved.


Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady Bryant, obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Sunday School Lessons: Do your study encourage you to read and search the scriptures more?

Article 1 Volume 12

Topic:  Sunday School Lessons: Digging a little deeper                                    September 28, 2021

I have been either a Sunday School student, teacher, or administrator, for more than 60 years.  During that period I have learned a lot about the Bible.  In the past 18 months, since Zoom became popular in churches, my desire to know more about the Bible has increased.  Of course, I cannot bring up or present every question I have in class, because it would take up too much time or deviate too much from the lesson plan.  I remember the times in my little wooden church in Suffolk, Virginia when one question from a student would consume about 30 minutes of the Sunday School hour.

Below are some of the points I'm going to be writing about in October and November 2021.  My intent is to share what I found out by digging a little deeper or would like to know more about.

1.  Noah's Ark.  Did a lot of nonbelievers help him build it?
2.  The power of Abraham's faith.
3.  Where did the son of Adam and Eve go to find a wife?
4.  The scripture gives varying answers on the topic of baptism. Where do you stand? When was baptism introduced in the Bible?
5.  Is it true that once a person is saved, he/she is virtually guaranteed a seat in heaven? 
6.  Were the contents of the gospel in circulation before either book of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John), was written?
7.   How come 75 or more percent of the book of Mark is in Matthew and Luke books?
8.  Do you believe that each writer independently gathered their information from the same sources?
9.  Can you define the different types of Love?  When is it okay to say,  "I love you?
10.  Do you believe Ester worshiped and believed in God? Read the book before you answer.
11.  Explanation of the difference between  Founded and Established when determining the beginning dates for schools, churches, colleges, and organizations.

Well, that is enough to keep me busy for October and November.  Oh, there is one more thing, many of us really cling to the old King James bible. What do we know about King James? Look him up on google. 

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant, Sr obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Rev Matthew J Pearson preaches about you examing your progress with God and man

Article 3 Volume 10                                         

Date:  July 26, 2020                                    Place: Warner Baptist Church

The service was broadcast via Zoom. Several members participated in the service. Sister Clara "Tinka" Payne was the facilitator.

Scripture;  Luke chapter 2: 41-52
Text:  Take a look at your progress with God and man

**Jesus earthly parents made their annual trip to Jerusalem to attend the feast of the passover.
On their way back home they noticed that Jesus was not with them.When they could not find their twelve-year old son among the travelers they returned to Jerusalem and found him in the temple talking with the teachers. These type of encounters with teachers and elders enabled Jesus to increase in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
We see that Jesus was gathering knowledge that would enable him in later life to deal with all kind of situations,as he went forth carrying out the the mandate of God.
You will note that Jesus stayed focus on pleasing God.  His actions pleased some men but not all.  That is alright.  Work to please God and man can fall in line.  Some will and some won't. That is okay as long as you are doing what is right. Man will double cross you, so strive to please God and he will be with you through troubling  and good times.
So, in conclusion, examine how you are progressing with God and man. But be focused on pleasing God.
That is the gist of the sermon today today. I encourage you to read Luke Chapter 2 in its entirety. It is on your phone.  Just google the book of Luke and go to chapter 2.
** The sermon was slightly augmented for presentation and enhancement purposes.                   
 You will note that Jesus was talking with men whom he could learn from. He was not engaged in slander and gossip. What about you?
Copyright (c) 2020 Grady E. Bryant, Sr.  All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: The news and views expressed on this site are strictly those of Grady E. Bryant, Sr obtained from information made available to the general public through bulletins, public events, announcements, and services that were open to the general public. This website is not officially endorsed by Warner Baptist Church.